012 - Cleaning and Tidying

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When one fit of giggles is loud enough for mommy to hear, she turns around, looking at you with surprise, as she gasps "Aaah! Kyle!" You look at her with a wide smile, proud of your messy creation. But as you notice her startled expression, a hint of confusion creeps onto your face. Wondering if you did something wrong, you furrow your brow and give her an innocent look. "My oh my... little one! I can't get my eyes off you for even one second, can I? You silly boy! You've smeared banana all over your face, and your bib is covered!"

As you look at yourself, realizing the mess you've made, a sense of remorse washes over you. You babble in your babyish language "Ut-oh... made a mess... I'm... I sowwy mama... I was hafin fun..." Your eyes start to well up with tears as you pout, feeling a mix of guilt and sadness.

Mommy sighs deeply, understanding that sometimes you get carried away with your babyish feelings and behavior. She knows she can't stay mad at you for long and accepts that it's just a part of who you are. With a warm and comforting tone, she reassures you "It's okay, Kyle. Don't worry, mommy is not mad. Yes, you made a mess, but we can clean it up. Are you all done with your banana? Do you want some more nummies?"

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You shake your head, as you felt full before, but now you feel heavy with guilt as well. Mommy takes a soft, damp cloth and gently wipes away the mushy banana from your cheeks, making sure to be gentle and thorough. She cleans off any residue, being careful not to irritate your delicate skin. Next, she takes care of your little hands, ensuring that every trace of banana is removed. Finally, she takes off the messy bib, carefully wiping it and then stashing it away to wash.

When she notices that your pout and the guilt on your face are still lingering, she understands that you need some cheering up. With a loving and reassuring tone, she tries to ease your worries. "It's okay, baby. Sometimes even grown-ups play with their food, you know? It's not the end of the world. Plus, they are definitely not as cute as you, my precious little one."

Mommy's words bring a small smile to your face as you start to feel better. She leans in and gives you a big kiss on your now clean cheek, filling you with warmth and affection. The gesture reminds you that she loves you unconditionally, messes and all.

Now all clean, you eagerly extend your arms towards her, ready to be taken out of your highchair. However, she points to your still half-full sippy cup and reminds you "Nuh-uh, little mister. Be a good boy and drink up all of your water first." Being an obedient little one, you grab the sippy cup with both hands and carefully gulp down the water, making mommy proud. She smiles at you and praises "Good job, Kyle! You're such a clever boy."

With a satisfied "Gaaah" you squeal excitedly "Awl done!!!", indicating that you've finished your water. Swiftly, she picks you up from the highchair, cuddling and kissing you affectionately. As she holds you close, she asks "Now, my little adventurer, what would you like to do until it's time for your nap? Would you like to keep playing with your plushies and blocks? Or maybe watch some TV on the sofa? How about drawing? Or is there something else you have in mind?"

You eagerly exclaim "Wed gween! Wed gween mama! Wet's pway dat!" Mommy, initially confused, takes a moment to decipher your words. Finally, she understands and exclaims "Ah! Red light, green light? Like with daddy the other day?" She remembers the game, and joins in your excitement. "Yayyy!!! Can we pway, mama?!!" you ask, your voice brimming with joy and anticipation.

She giggles at your enthusiasm and responds "Aww, of course, buddy. But first, let's clean up and put all your toys back in the toy box. We're not going to need them to play that game, and after a little playtime, it's time for your nap anyway." You pout visibly, both because you have to tidy up, and at the mention of naptime.

Mommy crouches down and gently places you on the carpet, giving you a reassuring smile. She understands that tidying up can sometimes be seen as a chore, but she wants to make it a fun experience for you. "Alright, Kyle." she says, her voice filled with warmth. "Let's put away all your plushies and toy blocks back in the toy box. It's important because then we can always find them later and have more fun in the future!"

She starts by handing you a plushie, guiding your small hands towards the wooden chest. "Can you put this one in the toy box, Kyle?" she asks, her voice filled with encouragement. You nod eagerly, trying your best to make this an enjoyable activity. As you drop the plushie into the box, mommy claps her hands and starts to sing a funny song about tidying up.

"Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere!" she sings, twirling around with a toy block in her hand. "Clean up, clean up, everybody, do your share!" You join in, singing (or trying to, at least) and dancing along with her. The song fills the room, making the tidying-up process feel like a game rather than a chore. "Take your toy blocks and put them away. Pick up your plushies, they will wait for the next play!" mommy sings, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

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With each item you put away, she praises your efforts, making you feel proud and accomplished. "Well done, Kyle! You're doing a fantastic job tidying up!" she says, her voice filled with admiration. "You're such a helpful little one!" You beam with joy, feeling a sense of happiness and acceptance. The toys are returning to their proper places, and the floor is slowly clearing up. She continues to sing and dance, making the activity feel even more enjoyable.

Finally, the last plushie and toy block find their way back into the toy box. You stand back, looking at the clean and organized room, a smile spreading across your face. Mommy wraps her arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze. "You did it, Kyle! You tidied up all by yourself! I'm so proud of you!" she says, her voice filled with pride. You feel a surge of joy, knowing that you've completed the task and made her happy. The tidying-up song lingers in your mind as you and her share a joyful moment, basking in the satisfaction of a job well done.

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