"You won't get past the gate. Colton will kill you for this. She snarls back at me.

"I'm not stupid. That was all yalls first mistake. I watched Colton key in that code. I'm leaving this hell hole and I will be taking my daughter out alive" I screech at her like a bad woman that I am as she flies towards me, I quickly raise the lamp above my head and knock it against her as her body hits me and we both hit the floor hard.

I quickly roll her off me and notice there is a pool of blood playing around her head and I can't take that long to check to make sure she is alive, I honestly don't care if she is or not all I care about is getting my baby girl to safety.

I lean over her and slide the necklace from around her neck. Sighing with happiness that she was still wearing it with the truck keys around her neck.

Her being a wife her self she never learned her lessons properly. She was always greedy with the little power she was able to have and that will be her downfall when Colton and her husband get back home.

I rush to the bedroom door and I come to a hard stop, looking down the hall. I cant leave Ally chained up. I can't be worrying about her while I am trying to escape but I can't just not do something to help her.

I quickly rush into Cains room, seeing that Ally is wide awake.

"Look. If you want to run now is the time. Im going to free you. We are lucky the keys the mother had, also has your lock keys. Im not going to wait for you. I need to get my baby out." I rush out and quickly push the small key into the locks freeing her arms.

"Here." I toss her the key. She can get her own legs free. I can't waste too much time up here knowing Colts on his way.

"Why are you helping me?" She asked, slowly bringing the key towards her ankles.

"Because I won't be able to live with myself knowing I left you like that. Your on your own now. Stay safe and good luck." I told her softly before running out the room.

I don't think much else about it, I quickly scoop my baby girl into my arms and run down the steps so fast, I have to steady myself before tripping down it with her in my arms.

I run through the living room and then through the kitchen quickly unlocking the door and pushing it open hard, making it bang against the house as I take off towards the shed that they keep the beat-up truck in. I'll have to ditch it soon but for now it will get us far away from this family. I run into the shed and quickly jumped into the truck, laying my baby girl on the seat. I shove the key into the hole and start the truck, sending up a quick prayer that I'm able to pull this off and that Colton didn't change the lock code to the gate.

I shove the truck in reverse, punch on the gas and hear the tires screech as I back us out the shed.

I hear Lucky barking and I cant believe I almost forgot my baby boy. My foot stomps on the break, leaning over I quickly open the passenger door. Laughing softly as Lucky jumps in side.

"Good boy Lucky. Watch the baby okay? Lets get out of here." I tell him.

"Don't worry, baby girl. Momma will get us out. I won't let them harm you" I whisper to her before putting the truck in drive and zooming down the long driveway leading to the front gate.

I see the gate coming into view and I can't help but sob with the hope that I'm about to get me and my child-free. I'll ram this gate over and over if I have too, but we are leaving tonight. I don't care what it takes.

I pull up quickly to the keypad and punch in the numbers quickly and after a few hard seconds of fear rushing through my body the gate starts to finally open. I can't help the scream of pure joy that passes my lips, I don't even wait for the gate to open fully. I punch my foot hard on the gas and rush through it.

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