Chapter 29

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I have been waiting for them to return home while I have been sitting on the couch. If I were being completely honest, I would rather clean the house than sit around doing nothing but watching television.

10 minutes later, when they did finally walk through the door, I saw Colt carrying a few bags. He quickly made his way to me and jerked me up me by grabbing my hand. He dragged me up the stairs in a hurry.

What the heck happened to him while he was gone? Oh my gosh! Because he has longer legs than I do, he can climb the stairs much more quickly than I can.

I greet him with, "Welcome home, Husband," and we both giggle as he leads me into our bedroom and closes the door behind us.

"That's an excellent way to be welcomed home, wife," my husband said. He says this to me before reaching down and giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.

He places the luggage on the bed and pats the empty spot next to it before continuing.

I give him a friendly grin and then quickly make my way to my bed before sitting down.

As he hops up and down on his feet, he exclaims, "I can't wait anymore, open them. I want to see your face."

I find it endearing when he is like this, and I won't lie. I'm beginning to develop feelings for the kinder side of him. I find it cute when he is like this.

After picking up a smaller bag and feeling its contents with my hands, I realized that the bag contained books.

I can get a sense of the contours.

I hushedly informed him, "I feel books," before carefully taking the bag away from me.

I am able to physically feel them in my hand; rather than getting me one book, he ended up getting me four. I adore the fact that he did that so much.

I have something that I do that I enjoy doing, and reading is a good way to pass the time. Gets your head out of the real world for a little while and gets lost in a new world.

I only gave the titles a cursory look, but I was able to tell that they are all very old historical romances. I like reading stories like these. He has been following me for who knows how long, so he would be aware of it.

And that is simply so incredibly eerie that I have to fight off the chills that are threatening to make me collapse on my knees.

"Thank you so much, and I can't wait to get started on reading them." I give him a kind grin and a peck on the cheek to convey how appreciative I am.

"Okay, open the next one, and take a look at the gowns I bought for you," he says, expanding his grin as he claps his hands and becomes increasingly animated.

I unzipped the bag and removed the first dress from within.

This one is short sleeved and comes in a bright red color with white flowers sprinkled all over it.

Oh, I was just thinking about what I was going to wear once it got chilly, and the only things I have are two old dresses that smell like his mother.

I'm at a loss for words. I'm not a big fan of this particular kind of clothing, but despite the fact that the items appear to be of low quality, I've seen that many ladies in this life choose to wear them.

I don't want to make him upset, so I'll have to say something nice about them and then cross my fingers that he doesn't catch on to the fact that I'm lying.

I tell him, "This one is quite cute for when it's warm out,"and placed it to the side after saying it.

He gives you a grin and says, "You are going to look stunning in that."

I gave him a friendly grin and nodded in agreement, saying, "That's a gorgeous dress." If I'm being completely honest, I wish it wasn't quite so ancient.

I proceeded to the following one.

This one is a light gray half-sleeved dress with no decoration whatsoever, but it appears to be of slightly higher quality than the one before it.

He says to me, "This one can be for when we have company, like when we have relatives over for the holidays,"

"Yes, I really adore this color. Very nice." I said softly, laying it down on top of the others.

Taking out the third dress in the stack.

It's a long-sleeved dressing robe in a light baby blue color that appears to be made of wool. I'm not sure what to say because I believe that it may be worn for any one of those occasions.

"This one will serve you well during the colder months."

About these dresses, I'm running out of things to say, and I'm sorry. How many fibs can I get away with before I get caught? This style is just not something that appeals to me at all.

It is still another dress with long sleeves, but this time, it is a light pale color that is practically the same color as pearl blended in.

"Thank you so much for this. It will keep me toasty," I tell him.

I smiled at him as I laid each one of them down on the bed, then gently kissed the corner of his mouth. It's the first time I've started a kiss, and I think I'm finally starting to get used to the sensation that it gives me inside my head.

Would it be possible for this circumstance to result in anything positive in the end?

God. Im sounding crazy. I need to leave this place. I feel my old self slipping away.

I'm grateful for the books, and I suppose it's sweet that he spent the time to get to know me before bringing me into the house.

I get up and quickly remove my clothes before putting on the first outfit and demonstrating how it should be worn by giving him a small spin in it.

"What are your thoughts?" I ask him

He tells me, "I was right, it looks beautiful on you, my lovely wife," as he walks over to me, pulls me into his arms, and kisses me passionately.

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