Chapter 33

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I carefully push open the door of Cain and Rebecca's room, as soon as I step inside, the scent of infection immediately engulfs my nose. The smell
causes me to cough uncontrollably. As I look around, I notice that she is currently lying in her bed with blood splattered all over the sheets and dress she is wearing.

The odor is very repulsive. I have to put my hand over my nose because she truly does smell like death. This is not good, something is seriously wrong with her.

How could Cain leave her like this?

I walk up to her and notice that she is sleeping. I put my hand on her forehead in an effort to determine whether or not she is hot, and I find that she is extremely hot due to a fever. This is not at all a good sign.

I make a hasty retreat into their bedroom, where I drench a washcloth in ice water. Then I return to her to begin the process of cleaning her up.

She has blood all over her mouth, down her neck, on her shoulder, and on her chest. There is also blood on her chest.

He had the opportunity to fucking clean her up!

What kind of deranged beast does he think he is to abandon an innocent woman in this state? The condition that she is in, which includes being covered in her own filthy vomit, is causing my eyes to start to water.

My soul aches for hers.

These people take women to be their wives and tell them they love them, but look how he has treated her. These people are disgusting. She was left in her own filth.

I finish quickly washing her up and then immediately change the linens with ones that I discovered underneath the bed.

I quickly get up and leave the room, heading straight for the living room.

Colt rushes up and holds both of my arms to slow me down as I run down the stairs at such a rapid pace that I almost trip over my own foot and fall before he stops me.

"Wife? What's the matter with you?" He asks while he is holding my body in a vertical position.

"She needs a doctor!" I shriek out as I barely had time to catch my breath from the rapid down of the stairs.

"Wife, you listened to what my brother said. He said no-" He goes first.

"I dont care what he said. Colt have you seen here? He left her in her own blood and vomit. She is running a fever!" I launch myself at him, shoving him away from my body in the process.

At last, I had reached my limit "She will die. Are you  hearing me? If Rebecca doesn't see a doctor soon,she going to fucking die. She was covered in blood, and it appeared to be coming out of her mouth. There's a big seriously wrong with her!" My response is a hysterical sob.

I start yelling at him, which causes his eyes to widen, and then I feel his hand coming down hard on my face. This causes my body to crash against the side table that is next to the couch.

I swiftly grasp my cheek and start yelling at the top of my lungs once more.

I repeat it with a trembling voice, "She will die please."

I was well aware that doing this would infuriate him, but I had little alternative because Rebecca appears to be in a critical condition either physically or mentally. My very being could not withstand it if I let her pass away without defending her in every way I can.

I cant just sit here and not try my best to help her stay alive. I am not a doctor but something is not right. She should not be bleeding from her mouth.

Therefore, the lesson is well worth learning, and I have no doubt that I will get one.

"Wives do not yell at thier husbands." Colt snarls.

"Keep your nose out of my marriage" Caim growls.

Bla bla bla. I don't care! They are both getting pissed off at me but I do not care.  Rebecca may die, and they both seem not to care.

When Cain yells "then she dies," it stuns the hell out of me, and I immediately clamp my lips together.

How could he even say that? Does he not have any feelings for her?

"You don't have the slightest bit of concern for her, do you?" I yelled into Cains face. "You kidnapped her! You brought her here and your not even taking care of her! What kind of husband are you?"

I just can't believe it. Why go to all of the work of tracking down and kidnapping ladies if you're just going to let them die in such a fucking horrible way?

"You have no right to speak to my brother in such a manner!" Colt gives me a terse reprimand as he reaches down to grasp a firm hold of my hair and pulls me to my feet.


I attempt to continue, but my tears prevent me from doing so.

They are not going to bring her to the hospital, so I don't know what else I can do. Given how much she is burning up and how much blood she appears to have already thrown up, it is unlikely that she will survive for much longer.

Is this how Colton would be like with me? If I was sick would he just let me die too?  What if I don't feel well? Will he just sit around and wait for my death?

Cain says to Colt in a loud voice, "Your wife has to fucking learn some manners," and he seems like he wants to hit me personally as he says this.

I wish I could just slap him. He is worse than Colt, like seriously. I really do think he may have some mental problems bigger than just the family traditions.

Colt acknowledges his sibling with a nod of his head.

"Do you know what wife? I had the impression that you had grown from your prievous lessons. You do not question us. You do not raise your voice to your husband "He yells at me and tightens his hold on the strands of hair that he is holding in his palm.

The kind and considerate aspect of Colt has vanished, and in its place is the deranged and psychotic side.

As we make our way down to the basement, he says to Cain, "After tonight, she will learn brother." He then continues to take me down there.

"Oh, no, please I was just trying to help Rebecca.-" I sob loudly as I struggle to free my hair from his grasp while doing so.

It was only out of concern for Rebecca that I even decided to let all my furry out. I should have just kept my mouth shut. Im fixing to get a lesson and they did not even care about what I said to help Rebecca.

My left leg hurts so badly that it brings more tears to my eyes as he opens the door to the basement and shoves me down the stairs. By the time my body reaches the bottom floor, I am in excruciating pain that is radiating up my body.

Colt yells at me as he drags my body to the wall and chains my body up, making the chains around my wrists and ankles tighter than they would normally be. "I'm so sick of the disrespect I get from my Wife," Colt says to me.

"Please-" As soon as it happens, I feel the shackles cutting into my skin and saying, "She will die."

"It makes no difference to me because she is not my wife. She is not under my care in any way! You are the one person that matters to me, but you just won't learn your lesson." He yells at me more harshly. As he takes out his knife and begins to cut my dress off of my body's boobs and stomach, I see the veins in his arms and neck poking through his skin.

I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a sob.

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