Chapter 66

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Later that day we were driving back to the house, Colton stopped and looked at a few cows for sale up the road, and he had picked up  more chicken feed, he even had stopped at McDonald's to grab me an ice cream cone.

I was getting hot, and he thought a cold ice cream while cool me off, he was definitely right.

It was a fun little adventure with my husband, after he explained the rules to me, he never once got back into a grumpy mood.

He was laughing and smiling today as we drove around doing our errands, we had stopped at a grocery store and picked up a few can foods that we needed to stock up  in the cabinet and some toilet paper.

He parks the truck and kills it before  coming to help me climb out, he has got to be tired of doing that. He starts to unload the truck just letting me carry the bag of my three books inside the house.

Setting the books down on the table I quickly sit down and take deep breaths, my child is pressing it into my chest making it harder to breathe.

"Had fun in town today?" The mother asks as she walks into the kitchen followed by Cain.

"We did, How's Ally?" I asked them, putting my arms on the table, wanting nothing more than to go crawl inside my bed and read one of my books.

I'm worn out right now, today has been a long day I could use a good long  nap.

"She hasn't been eating enough, just what we can force down her throat, but we don't think it's enough to feed the baby, " Cain says in an annoying voice.

"I know dear-" the mother starts, but he snap.

"No. No.What kind of fucking woman is she that she would let her baby starve inside of her? It's so fucking ridiculous!" He shouts towards the stairs like his hoping she hears him.

"Son calm down before Colt comes in and sees you yelling in front of Abby. You know he doesn't like that" the mother tries to reason with him.

Which, she is correct. Colton can't stand when Cain raises his voice in front of me, my first instinct is to cover my belly and keep it safe and Colton doesn't like that I feel in danger in my own home and he has had a couple words with Cain about that and should know better.

"I don't give a shit, she isn't the perfect wife he pretends that she is either, she was giving him trouble before they found out she was pregnant" He shouts louder, but this time directed his words towards me.

Our marriage is none of your business is what I wanted to shout back in his face but I decided that's not the best course of action at the moment, he looks so mad that he may actually hurt me.

"I know Cain-" the mother whispers looking towards the door to see if Colts is coming inside.

"If she wasn't pregnant I'd kill her" He snaps.



"Son you don't mean that, she is your wife! This family doesn't just kill their wives like that" She shouts back this time.

"Oh, yeah why not? Wouldn't you like to know? You're only a wife your damn self. Your nothing but a used up breeding mare that's now washed up" He walks past her pushing her down on the seat at the table.

I guess the past few months have taken a toll on his mindset, clearly losing his mind.

"Son! You need to calm down!" The mother tries to stand up, but he pushes her back down laughing loudly in her face.

"YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A HUSBAND GET SICK OF HIS WIFE? WE KILL THEM" He yells more and laughs so hard that his body starts to shake.

"What?" Screeches the mother, her hand flying towards her mouth to cover it.


I feel like I'm about to pass the fuck out.

"You killed Rebecca?" I ask softly not wanting to believe it.

"COURSE I DID. SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING RIGHT. SHE COULDN'T EVEN GIVE ME BABY IN A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. SHE WAS USELESS JUST LIKE THE ONE UPSTAIRS!" He shouts in my face, I can feel the spit fly out of his mouth onto my face making my heart sink in my chest.

I can't believe what I'm listening to.

"How?"I cry while holding both my arms protectively over my stomach.

I'm sick, I feel like I'm about to throw everything up, everything I ate today is threading to slide back up my throat.

If Colt becomes tired or bored of me will he just kill me? Push my beat up body into a 6 foot grave like Cain did poor Rebecca?

"I fucking poisoned her till she choked on the death of her vomit and blood" He cackles loudly, throwing his head back laughing like this whole situation is crazy.

Oh my God.

Poor Rebecca.

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