Chapter 9

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Colton's P.O.V

"Mother, what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" I asked her, as I am standing here and leaning against a tree. It's my wife's first morning in our home, and I should be inside with her, showing her around and demonstrating just how good of a husband I will be to her. I'm irritated because I'd rather be inside with my wife.

When we initially bring our wives back to our families, my mother should know that it is quite important to make a good first impression on them.

"I'm just wondering how the training is going for both girls," while she looks at me with an angry face as if I'm the one who's being rude. "It is my job as the oldest wife to make sure they are learning their lessons. Just like your grandmother did with me." she says.

I mean, I guess I am, but she is acting like she is the boss around here, and she needs to be reminded that she does not hold that position. She is just a wife. Nothing more than that.

My mother has no right to know or ask about the manner in which I instruct my new wife, as it is none of her business what goes on in my marriage.

I let out a loud sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair and announced to my mother, "I only began to train Abby last night mother it will take some time. We just got married yesterday," I say harshly. "Obviously, I need more time alone with my wife."

"What about Rebecca?" Cain is questioned, and he responds with a shrug of his slim shoulders, indicating that he is accustomed to his mother interfering in our business and that he doesn't care either way.

"Since Rebecca has been my wife for the past year at this point, mother she has been trained. Don't be concerned." He tells her. "She is more than aware of her responsibility in our home and also knows how to behave like a good wife."

I respond by saying, "Yes, do not worry about our wife; we will handle them," while projecting an air of power through my tone of voice. Since I'm the eldest, and my dad is in jail, it makes me the head of the family and puts me in control. The two of them would be wise to keep in mind that whatever I say gets obeyed around here.

It is none of my mother's business, and she needs to understand that she has her place in this world.

"All I'm doing is trying to assist my kids," she said. She explains while gazing up at the herd of cows grazing in the field. "I remember what it was like when your father first saved me from the outsiders. It was all knew, I didn't listen at first and had trouble understanding that he only wanted the best for me."

"Yes, we are aware of it; nonetheless, please do not forget your position, mother. Even though Dad isn't physically present right now, he'll be back soon enough to make sure you get what you deserve. "I remind her in a commanding manner. "You have no higher authority than our wives have inside that home. The only reason Cain and I allow you to act up sometimes is because we know you miss dad. It's understandable but do not forget your place."

She must not give the impression that she is the head of the female household members in my home. This responsibility falls on my wife, but even in our household, women do not hold positions of authority.

They continue to defer to their husbands' authority even after they have received training and are competent in the jobs to which they have been assigned, even though at that point they will be able to roam the house freely.

In this harsh and dangerous world, this is how we protect our families from harm.

"Yes, I am aware that there is no need to remind me of my position!" She snarls angrily at me while raising her small hands in the air and looking at me with a displeased expression.

"Father will be free soon, the charges won't be able to stick we got rid of the girl, she can't testify against him," I tell her again, reminding her that she will soon be back in the basement herself.

She says to her youngest son while giving him an upset look, "Well, if Cain hadn't let his first wife get away, then none of this would be happening with your father," and she throws an annoyed look at him.

"Hey! It's not my fault that you neglected to chain her legs up. I was right in the middle of teaching her lessons! You were aware that she would make an attempt to run, and you were aware that we had to prevent that from happening. "Cain snarls at her, taking a step closer to our mother. "You forgot your duties in helping us train the new wife. You, as the older wife in the home, should be welcoming them and trying to teach them how to become better wives."

He looks like he wants to slap her, and I don't blame him, but I have to stop it anyway. We have rules for the family. Men can never lay a hand on another man's wife.

I gently push him back as I hold out my arm to prevent him from approaching closer to our mother.

"There is no one to blame for this. It was a mistake, and one that we can't and won't be able to make again." I say to each of them, in the hopes of easing the tension between us all.

This is not how I wanted to spend my first day with my wife finally home with me.

"Remember each of yalls lessons in training. You were both taught to properly train yalls wives. Your father trained you both well." Our mother tells us softly, placing her hands on our shoulders.

We both respond at the same time with "Yes ma'am."

"You and Rebecca are still trying to conceive a child?" She faces him and waits for his response to her question. "It's been a year. Any luck? Has she missed her period?" She continued to ask him questions.

"Not yet, but I'm hoping soon, because what else is she good for if not to give me a child and keep our family line going?" Cain utters these words just before heading off in the direction of the chickens.

"I worry about Cain. This is his second wife. I hope he is training her well because your father can not go to jail for kidnapping again, son," my mother said, sadness filling her tone.

"Don't worry too much. He is fine. Rebecca is well trained. I have seen it. I doubt she will attempt to run. I believe she is starting to love Cain, and I can only hope for the day that Abby loves me back," I whispered, feeling my heart skip a beat as I think about my beautiful wife.

I'm so happy I found her, and as long as she obeys the rules, our marriage will be a happy one.

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