Chapter 35

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As I slowly start to come to, I realize that I am still down here in the basement where it is dark and cold. I blink my eyes open and realize that I am still here.

How much longer will he keep me imprisoned down here?

As a result of maintaining this position for several days, my arms and legs are in pain. My entire body has the feeling of being frozen. I'm not even sure if I can cry anymore because I'm so hungry. I cried every tear that was in my eyes till they were completely dry.

When was the last day that I consumed anything? I can't recall, but I do know that I have been in this dark room by myself for some time now. I also know that it has been days. The question is, how many days has it been?

I can't take much more of this; my arms and legs have gone numb from hanging on the wall for so long that I can barely feel them anymore. I can't take much more of this.

My hubby has a point there.

I have been a terrible wife because he has been so kind to me, giving me books to read in my spare time and all those pretty dresses. I have repaid him by yelling and questioning what he says. I have also given him all those pretty dresses.

I have this awful feeling that I am a terrible wife, and I am positive that my mother is very disappointed in me. She was such a wonderful wife to my grandfather. I should have taken some lessons from her so that I could possibly make Colton happy.

I finally get what it is that the Cotons have been attempting to teach me.

I have no choice but to give in and do what he wants, and more importantly, I have no choice but to act the way he wants me to in order to have any chance of surviving this.

After what seems like hours have passed, I finally hear the door to the basement open. A little bit of light shines through the room as someone begins to walk down the stairs. I am relieved to see that someone is finally here.

"Hu-husband," I say as my lips, which are so chapped and dry from the cold that they are all cracked, chatter loudly with each other. When I try to talk or move my lips, a sharp, stabbing pain travels through them.

"How are you feeling?" As he approaches me and stands in front of me, he whispers the question.

"Co-Cold," I mutter to myself as I feel my teeth grinding against one another.

As if it were nothing out of the ordinary, he says, "Yes, I turned the heat down the other night before leaving you down here," as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"How long?" I asked in a whisper.

"How long have you been down here? He asked.

Because my neck is so stiff, all I can do is slowly bob my head up and down as I work to keep the movement from making my neck suffer.

"3 days"

3 days? After going three days without eating or drinking anything. I finally understand why my body is feeling so weak and not just from the beatings.

"I was going to keep you down here for a little while longer, but something happened, and because you are a member of this family, you should be involved."

He begins to slowly maintain my wrist and ankle, and when he is finished, my body, which is so weak that I am unable to even keep myself up, simply collapses to the filthy ground.

"W-what-what is it that happened?" I asked in whimper. My stomach was rumbling and hurting.

As he begins to bring my body up the stairs, he picks up my body and announces, "Rebecca is no longer with us."

Dead? Oh no!

As I begin to sob for both her and myself, my heart breaks for both of us. Just as I feel myself passing out, my head falls back onto his shoulder.

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