Chapter 69

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"Your bags are packed for a month or so?" Colton asked Cain as he sets his suitcases down next to Colton's bag.

"Yes. I just left my wife, I reminded her that if she didn't fucking eat while I was going stay with father that I will make her beg for me to stop whipping her after she gives birth to my child" He replies.

"After she gives birth you can do whatever you want, but you have to understand why I'm taking you away from here. You threatened to kill your wife and mine while they are pregnant for god's sake" Colton says in a hushed tone as if I can't hear him. He's sitting right next to me.

"You act like noone in the family has killed their wives off before!" Cain snaps at him.

Is it that much of a common occurrence?

"I know we do but not while they are pregnant Cain. We don't kill our sons!" Colton snaps back.

Oh my God, they do kill their wives if they get tired of them, will what happened to Rebecca happen to me one day?

Will Colton get sick of me and decide to poison me off?

The thought makes me sick again as pain shoots through my stomach. All this stress I have been through today isn't good for my body right now.

"I know for God's sakes. She is just driving me insane!" He yells.

"Mother here's the keys to the truck," Coltons tells her and pulls the necklace chain from over his head exposing the keys and handing her the chain.

Oh, that's good to know that's where they are kept.

Suddenly we hear a vehicle horn going off outside, that must be the father. I think loudly inside my head.

Thank God these two will be gone for a few days.

I think my body and my mind need a much-needed break as another pain shoots through my body making me grab my stomach.

"Wife are you alright?" Coltons asks as he watches me holding onto my stomach.

"Yes, Husband. I just think all the yelling is stressing me out" I whisper through the pain.

"Your right I'm sorry. We will be out of the house in a minute and you will get some peace. Come on I'll help you climb the steps and get into bed" He whispers and gently grabs my arm helping me up the stairs slowly, I have to stop halfway up to catch my breath.

"HURRY up! My husband won't want to wait too long" snaps the mother.

"Mother why don't you mind your business and let me tend to my wife and you got greet your husband, that you have not seen in months" He snaps back at her.

"Y-your right son" she huffs loudly and walks out the living room.

"I'm sorry about all this. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. Cains has always been a little unstable sometimes so I need to just make sure he is adjusted at my father's before coming back home to you" he says and opens our bedroom door slowly leading me to the bed.

"It's alright husband. I understand you need to help your brother. I'll be alright. I'm sure I'll just sleep the whole time" I fake a laugh as pain shoots through my stomach again and I have to fight my arms not to hold onto it, if I do it will scare Colton and he won't leave and I just need some peace and some rest.

He quickly helps me dress into a pink nightgown, helps me climb into bed, and covers me with a blanket.

"Here you go, Wife. Finish reading this" He hands me one of the books we got in town today and switches on the side lamp.

"Thank you husband" I whisper and smile as he leans over and kisses me softly on the lips.

"Remember what I said. "He tells me before heading out the bedroom.

Once he's out of view I quickly grab onto my stomach as another pain shoots through it, sighing softly I open my book and start to read hoping I fall asleep soon.

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