Chapter 10

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Rebecca immediately stands up as soon as she hears footsteps moving back towards the kitchen entrance.

As soon as I hear their footsteps approaching the kitchen, I give the room a quick glance and double-check that everything has been picked up. It's a shame that Colton is so crazy, and by that, I mean wacked because he sure is good-looking. I can't help but take a quick glance at him every so often.

As Colton walks up to me and embraces me with a gentle kiss, he congratulates me on being a good wife by telling me, "Good work, wife." I really don't like it when his lips brush against mine, but there's not much more I can do right now. I feel like an animal shackled in this cage.

If I disobeyed him and tried to leave, I'm very sure that he would just give me another punishment.

I mumble "Thank you" after he pulls his lips away from mine after he finishes kissing me. I want to be able to bring my hand up to my mouth and remove his kiss from it, but I can't.

"Yes, very excellent job, ladies. I see that cleaning up will not be a lesson that is needed. Very good." The mother says as she follows behind Cain inside the kitchen. She sides him, walks up to the table, and runs her fingers slowly across before turning her around. She looks down at her dust free fingers with a frown.

Nice try bitch. It's spotless, poor Rebecca checked three times.

I can tell that she was upset, she wanted us to get in trouble.

Yeah, sorry, no sorry. I do not need another lesson right now and I will do whatever I can not to ever get another one.

I'll pretend everything is fine and be a model wife until either someone comes to save me or I figure out a way to escape on my own.

I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye, and when I turned my head I saw Cain rapidly grabbed Rebecca by the neck and forced her down onto her knees.

"Stop," I shouted out in fear. "She didn't do anything"

"BE QUIET, WIFE!" Colt snapped, reaching up, grabbing me by my arm and squeezes hard. The pain from his grip cuts off my words.

"What the hell is this?" Cain, snarls down at Rebecca.

"I-I-I" the poor girl is completely unable to say anything, she looks so scared and all I want to do is help her but I'm scared myself.

"Why is this in your pocket? Show me!" Cain growled, forcing me to look back towards him and Rebecca, I notice that she is taking a banana from out of the pocket of her dress.

Oh, shit.

She didn't.

"It's just a piece of fruit. It's not like she stole it. It's in her home," I cried trying to defend Rebecca because they were getting mad at nothing.

A freaking banana.

"Did she ask permission to take one?" Cain snarled the question at me making me shake with fear.

"No but she shouldn't have to if she is your wife she has a right to anything in the kitchen," I growled.

"It's a rule. Wives do not take food away from the family unless asked first or unless her husband has given the permission to grab something whenever she wishes. Rebecca doesn't have my permission."

"That's insane," I whispered.

"It's not insane it's our tradition. The husband makes the rules and that is one that Cain inforces in his marriage," Colt growled, him to starting to get worked up like Cain.

"It's a banana," I reminded them weakly, feeling like in going to throw up because Rebecca is about to be beaten for a damn piece of fruit.

"What else are you hiding, wife?" Cain asked her, emotionless.

"Nothing, I swear, please, husband," Rebecca finally spoke up and tried pulling her body away from his, but it was too late, Cain was already digging into her other pocket.

"What the fuck is this?" He snarled and held up a knife.


What the hell, Rebecca? I cried inside my head.

Why on earth would she try to hide it where people might see it? She must have kept that for when she was ready to run; I wish she had told me her plan so that I could have helped her, and perhaps we both could have escaped. She must have kept it from me in fear of what I would say.

I would have helped her. I would have grabbed my own knife, but obviously, I would have found somewhere better to hide it.

Despite the fact that I have a strong want and need  to sob and scream, I bring my hand up to my mouth and push my palm firmly into my mouth in order to keep my mouth closed.

"Tsk tsk girl."The mother says to Rebecca as she has a grin on her face, "I believe you just earned another lesson, and I do believe that this lesson will be a difficult one." She laughs, and I swear I want to choke her until she passes out.

Who laughs at that?

I make a move to approach Rebecca, but Colt grabs my arm tightly and gives me the impression that he is about to break a bone in a mine before telling me, "Not our marriage wife, not our business."

"Dear, I believe that your wife could also benefit from one of these." The mother says while staring hard at me.

"No. She cleaned the kitchen and it was not her that hid a knife and because her body is still recovering from the challenging lesson she received the night before, I won't let her get any more lessons unless she earns one." He says, his voice turning cold towards her as he is gradually relaxing his death grip on my arm.

"Speaking the way she just did should earn her one," the mother informed Colt.

Shut the fuck up you heartless cunt I shrieked inside my head.

"Very well. I'll be in my room taking a brief nap. I beg of you to keep in mind to put on the radio; I do not want to be startled awake by her shrieks." The mother tells Cain this, as she climbs the stairs that go to the rooms she is staying in before continuing on her way.

"Can you stop this? She probably put the knife in her pocket when we were cleaning dishes." I look at Colt and plead with him. I'm totally lying right now. We did not even wash a knife, and I hope he didn't know that.

He yells at me, "ABBY, you need to stay out of my brother's marriage. It's none of our business," before he smacks me across the face with his large hand. "You need to stay out of it," he yelled.

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