Chapter 54

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"I got a surprise for you Wife, " he tells me and gently holds my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom gently and leading me slowly down the stairs making sure I don't fall.

That's so cute, I knew underneath the hardness of Colton he had a softer side, it just needs to be brought out more.

"What kind of surprise?" I giggle as he leads me out of the kitchen and outside.

Not even bothering to stop putting on our shoes which confuses me.

He pulls me towards his truck, are we going somewhere and I finally going to be able to go into town with him for a little while.

He stands hands next to the truck cab and turns towards me.

"I went out after I got your books and the test and got something that I know you will love, " He tells me and he behinds bouncing around as he gets excited.

"What did you get me?"I ask him and watch as he jumps around which makes me laugh at him.

He quickly opens the truck door and that's when I see a black lab sitting in the passenger seat.

Oh my God is this Lucky?

"Lucky?" I say in a whisper, I'm scared to get my hopes up.

The dog hears my voice and his name and snaps his head at me and quickly starts barking and jumping out of the truck knocking me down on the warm grass and starting to lick my face.

"Hey, easy boy, she is carrying my child right now" He tells my dog as he begins to pull Lucky off.

"I can't believe you did this for me" I cried out and hugged my dog tightly. I'm so happy right now. It is amazing. My baby is there. My husband brought my dog here to me.

"I will do anything for you. You're my wife. As long as you are a good wife to me, I'll always be a good husband" he says and starts to unload things he must have got from the truck.

He tosses out a large ball and Lucky takes off chasing after it and I laugh loudly watching my baby chasing after the ball.

"Thank you so much for doing this for my husband. I appreciate it" I smiled at him and helped him grab the bags from the truck.

"Here, this bag isn't too heavy for you" he hands a bag with what looks like a dress.

"You went shopping for me again?"I asked him while trying to look through the bag to see what he got me.

"Of course,didn't you hear me when I said winters coming? The house is warm but not that warm. You still need warm clothes, so you don't get the sick wife" He tells me and sounds annoying that I forgot about it getting cold.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I'm just so happy about my dog being here, it slipped my mind husband. It won't happen again" I whisper it.

"That's a okay wife. I know you have had a hard couple of days" He smiles and quickly kisses my cheeks.

"Thank you husband" I smile at him and turn back to see luck chasing the chickens and running around the chicken house.

"Lucky come here boy" I yell out to him and once he hears me he comes rushing over to me.

"Let's get inside the wife. It's pretty chilly" He smiles and wraps his free arm around my shoulders leading me back inside the house with Lucky following us.

Once we reach inside he set the bags down on the table and he starts to pull out a few groceries, I help him unload the bags.

"Can I eat this now?"" I asked him to hold up a watermelon. That sounds so good right now, adding a little bit of salt and sinking my teeth into that yummy goodness got my mouth water.

"Sure baby, you eat whatever you want." He smiles at me, grabs the knife and starts to cut me a slice of watermelon.

"Is that a dog I hear inside the house?Mother would be having a cow right now" Cain says as he comes into the kitchen.

"Well mother isn't here and this certainly isn't her house anymore" Coltons tells him and places the watermelon slice into my waiting hands and I take a big bite.

"Why would you even get her dog? She hasn't been a good wife." Cain snaps walking around lucky and sending him a nasty look.

"This is Abby's house. She loves that dog. She won't be able to do much around the house while she is pregnant, so I figured having her dog here wouldn't make her happy" Coltons says and finishes putting the groceries away.

"You're spoiling her too much" Cain murmurs while shaking his head.

"Don't worry about how I treat my wife. She has done her most important duty in giving me a child. Worry about yours who can't stop fucking crying and saying nasty things to my wife" Colt finally snapa at him.

"I already gave her a lesson on that Colt" Cain says.

"Good. I won't have my wife be unhappy in her own home while being pregnant" Colton smiles at me as he sees me sneaking a piece of watermelon too Lucky.

As long as his mood can keep being like this, we can be happy.

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