Chapter 20

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After I have finished yelling and pouring out all of my emotions that I have to give. I crawl out of bed and head to the mirror on the opposite side of the room.

My shoulders and neck look terrible because they are covered with bite marks. Which have caused them to become all red and furious looking.

My boobs are covered, and my nipples look so red with a little dry blood around them and some small cuts. I let my eyes travel down my body and stop at my nipples. There are some small cuts and some dry blood around them.

I just stand there for a few minutes. Staring blankly at my overworked body.  While more tears trickle down my cheeks in a slow, steady stream.

I am so embarrassed that it makes me sick to my stomach.

Because I am so filthy, I immediately dash into the bathroom and rush into the shower. I strip off my clothes before turning the water temperature up to high.

I really need to take a shower because I've gotten so dirty.

I take the dirty washcloth, lather up a good amount of soap on it, and begin to vigorously scrub my neck. In an effort to remove his imprint from my flesh. I let the wash tag to slide down my chest and rub a lot of soup into my breasts. Which causes the minor cuts I have on them to burn, which prevents me from scrubbing them as vigorously as I would like to.

I scrubbing my pussy with such force that it hurts. I don't care because I need to feel clean again. I reach down and do it. Right now, I don't feel comfortable in my own skin at all.

I scrub and scrub for what seems like hours, but I still feel dirty. I turn off the water in the shower and quickly grab a towel to dry off my body. Then I jump out of the shower. I know breakfast is almost ready to be served, so I rush to get ready.

I step out of the room and hastily make my way to the bed. Where I am certain he will find a dress waiting for him.

Because of the long sleeves, my battered body and all of the bite marks will be hidden from view. I suppose I should be thankful for that.

That is probably why he went for this clothing. He didn't want his mother to see all of the traces that were left on my flesh from the previous evening.

I immediately pick it up and throw it over my head as I do so. I walk over to the dresser. Take out a ponytail, and tidy up my hair so that it satisfies Colton's preference for a neat appearance.

I believe he prefers it when I maintain a clean appearance, but at this point I will do anything will make him content until I am able to break away.

I rush down the stairs and into the kitchen. Where I see his mother Carleen and Rebecca sitting at the table. Carleen is taking a sip of coffee. Rebecca is staring at the wall. By the time I approach them, I feel as though my entire body is on fire.

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