Chapter 63

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"Wife wake up" I hear Colton murmuring beside my ear, waking me up from my deep sleep.

"Wife wake up it's time to get dressed, have breakfast, and head into town today unless you want to stay home" he laughs as I try to push him away to get more sleep but hear the last part I built upright in bed and rub the tiredness out of my eyes.

"That's what I thought, come on now Wife, let's get up. We have a busy day" He whispers and kisses my cheek before hopping up off the bed as I quickly follow him but I don't hop I roll my fat self off the bed and giggle when I hear him laughing at me.

"WHAT? THIS IS YOUR FAULT" I shout at him playfully.

"Don't shout at me Wife" he tells me sternly, and I almost forgot about the other side of my husband, his darker side.

"S-sorry husband I was joking" I rush out quickly.

"Yes I know but I don't like when you raise your voice at me, a Wife should never do that to her husband. Understand?" He asks in a hard voice.

"Yes yes, husband. I understand" I whisper.

I know he won't drag me to that basement for another lesson right now but after I give birth, he will start back up again once I heal from that.

"Good. Now quickly dress and make sure your hair is perfect. I don't want to be embarrassed by you in town" He grunts out before leaving out the bedroom.

I swear I think my husband's bipolar, his moods swings around all the time, I never know just how the day will be with him. If I'm getting the sweet side or the hard side of him so I always have to walk on eggshells and that just makes me wonder how my son will have to grow up and that honestly makes me sad.

I walk over to the dresser and grab the only clean dress I have left right now that fits me, slipping my nightgown over my head I do a little turn around in front of the mirror and look how big my belly has gotten. It's amazing to watch your body grow as a baby grows inside you.

It's wonderful.

I quickly grabbed a light blue dress that Colton had got way bigger than my normal size to be able to fit my pregnancy side and slip it on.

I grab the brush and start to brush my hair back making sure no strands are sticking out before wrapping it tightly in a bun and tieing a light blue ribbon around my head and heading downstairs to join my husband for breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen I see my family all gathered around eating some eggs and bacon, I walk up to Colt and kiss his cheek, hoping that will make his bad mood go away, and take a seat next to him.

I inhale the scent from the food and my stomach starts to rumble loudly making him finally crack a smile.

"Eat all the food wife," He tells me as he finishes up his food. "I'll go get the truck warming up for you. I don't need you getting sick while pregnant" He says and gets out of the chair leaving the dish for his mother to wash and heads out the back door.

"How are you feeling? You were so close to your due date. The baby could come at any time now. You in your 8 months of the pregnancy." She reminds me like I don't already know that. I know how long I am, I have prayed that God gave me a boy so I wouldn't watch yall kill my daughter! I want to shout at her but I stay silent and remember my lessons.

"I'm feeling good" I mumble around the fork full of eggs I shoved in my mouth to keep me from talking too much and slipping up.

"Just good? You're not excited??" She asks and raises that eyebrow at me. I just want to shave them off her, I can't stand when she does that.

"Of course I'm happy and ready to meet my child," I say and take another bite of my eggs. What type of woman does she think I am? I'm not Ally for Jesus' sake! I know my family isn't the safest but my child didn't do anything wrong.

"Well that's good then" she sighs and starts to pick up the empty plates of food.

Colton comes back in after a few minutes and asks if I'm ready to go and I am. I'm so ready to get out of this house for a little while today.

Chained Wife✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt