Chapter 65

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We finally made it into town and Colton stops in front of a used book store and killed the truck, I take in the sight of actual people and I don't feel like I'm so caged up anymore.

"Let me go over the rules Wife and you will follow them."

He goes onto listing all the rules and good heavens, does he think I'm dumb, I know better than to do any of those things.

I learned.

1.Do not talk to anyone.

2.If I see you trying to get someone's attention, I'll drag you out when they are no longer looking and I won't care that you're pregnant when I get you home. Did you understand me?" He grows out and puts a wing over my head and fixes it, so you can no longer see my blonde hair underneath the black.

"Y-yes husband.I understand" Nodding my head fast to make sure he understands that I know to follow the rules.

I won't put my child at risk.

"Let's go and remember to follow the rules, " He says before climbing out of the truck and walking around the truck to open my door.

He raises his hand for me to grab it and I slowly climb down, making sure my feet are planted firmly on the ground, so I don't trip and fall on my belly.

"What kind of books are you going to look for?" He asks me as he presses his arm hard around my side keeping me close to him.

"Maybe something mysterious? I have a lot of romantic ones at the moment. Thinking about changing it up a bit" I smile at him as we walk through the doors of the store.

He walks towards a sign that reads "Mysterious" and let's go of me to walk down the aisle looking for a few books but always stays at least a foot next to me.

10 minutes later I have 3 books picked out, and we head to the counter to pay as I find myself reading the backs of them.

Ones about a serial killer, ones about a mysterious virus going around the town and the last ones about women that keep going missing in a small town.

They all sound good and I can't wait to read them, I love reading and guessing who I think the bad man is, most of the times I am right.

Colton hands the woman 5 dollars and we walk out of the store towards the truck, he helps me climb in and hands me my bag of books.

"Thank you husband" I whisper pulling one of my books out of the bag and starting reading the first chapter.

"You're welcome, when you do as you told me as my wife and follow the rules, I'll do anything to make you happy" He smiles as he slams the door shut.

Yes, he has told me that several times, I understand.

"Where are we headed to next husband?" I asked him and turned to read the next page.

I look around the town as I wait for his answer and notice that nothing changed, It is such a small town so why would I even think it would.

We passed my old workplace and I honestly don't miss my old boss that's for sure, the guy was a creep. He even grabbed my ass once and then said it was an accident.

As if I believe that, but I know I'll never be able to come back here even if I someday do want to leave my husband. I have the code to the gate now, unless I need to leave when the baby's born I will, but I won't be able to come back onto this town. He will look for me and take me and the child back home with him again I know that and just that thought makes me sad, knowing I'll never see my friends or family again.

I could call the cops on him, but I don't know all the family members and what they would do if that happened and I can't change that.

What if some of the members that follow our family traditions are cops and they set a trap for me? I have to think about all the scenarios in this situation, not just the obvious one.

The first place he would look for me is my home, my parents or my friends houses. If he really did follow me for months he must know where they all live by now.

Me going to them would be a stupid mistake, one I will not be making, to them I maybe dead and I might as well stay that way.

It's best for everyone.

My head will forever be fucked up because of the past year, but I'll have to learn to deal with that of course, If my child's a boy I'll have to stay with the family, so he can grow up and learn the family traditions but if it's a girl I'll have to get her away, I won't have a choice.

I can't allow anyone not even my husband to harm my child.

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