Chapter 48

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While I was still turning my head to see the new girl vanish down the basement steps with Cain, the Coltons led us into the kitchen.

Colton gently lowers me to the ground and maintains his grip on my body while I gradually lose the strength in my legs and fall to the ground, sitting on my knees.

He pulls the chains out of the cabinet and snaps one around my right ankle before wrapping it around the kitchen table and snapping the other chain in the hook. This ensures that if I try to escape, I will have to dragged the table behind me.

"Now, as you can see, we are getting closer and closer to the winter months. Now that it's October, I need to get started on getting the animals ready for winter. As he kneels in front of me, he tells me, "While you were focusing on your lesson, I made sure that all of our crops were harvested on time."

"Yes, my Husband," I respond in a hushed murmur. It's a relief to know that he was able to finish everything on time.

"It is going to be necessary for me to go bush the field in order to get a sufficient amount of hay to feed the cows and horses over the winter months. While I am gone, you are to stay inside, in this kitchen, and complete the tasks on your duty list. You are not to leave this kitchen until I come back inside, not that you could anyway," he says with a chuckle at his little joke.

"Yes, Husband, you have it exactly right. I mean, I can't even walk!" I try to make a joke about it, and he laughs along with me before going back to being serious.

He loudly snapped on my face, saying, "If you would just mature and become a responsible wife, I wouldn't have to constantly chain you."

"You are absolutely right, husband. I hope you can forgive me. I'll be a decent wife." I beg him.

"Good," he says as he stands up and begins trying to cram his feet into his boots.

"How long has it been since I was learning my lesson?" It was the beginning of August when he took me to live with him for the first time, and I feel as though I've lost track of time.

It has already been two months.

"You spent a entire month learning your lesson.  I made sure you had food and drink and that you could relieve yourself. You really ought to thank me." He told me, bending down to tie his work boots up.

"You are absolutely correct. I am grateful to you, husband." I snicker out, a soft chuckle coming from me. It would have been very embarrassing if I would have used the bathroom on myself.

Oh my god, what the heck is wrong with me?

Laughing at the prospect of peeing on myself while being chained against a wall.

Before exiting the house through the back door into the backyard, he announces, "I'm going to work."

I make a feeble attempt to rise up, but because I've been sitting here for such a long time, I don't have much strength in my legs.

I recall the location of the garbage bags, and I begin to crawl my way towards the lower cupboard on the right side of the kitchen.

The pain is shooting through my body at every inch I move. I can't let it get to me because my body is so sore. I have to push through it. It is imperative that I fulfill my role as Colton's wife and finish the chore list like I promised him.

I locate the box containing the trash bags, quickly remove one of them, and start crawling toward the refrigerator. I can feel my legs dragging behind me, but at least they are beginning to regain feeling.

I started to clean out the older food as soon as I opened the door to the refrigerator, and yes, it did need to be cleaned out. The mayonnaise jar has taken on the appearance of having mold growing inside of it, and its color has changed to yellow.

When I arrived, the mother was in the middle of doing what the devil knows she was doing. Nothing, as she believed that because she was the mother, she ran the house. However, this was not the case with the men in this family; apparently, being a mother means nothing at all if the rules are broken.

The fruits and vegetables that weren't eaten now look like they've fallen apart, and I can't help but gag as I watch the disgusting liquid slide out of the cucumber. The remaining fruits and vegetables look like they've been destroyed, smashed.

This fridge is a mess. Why wasn't Rebecca and Carleen keeping this up?

After that is finished, I bring the bag as close to the back door as I can and then push it out. This way, Colton will see it as soon as he walks up to the house. I would go throw it away, but I can't because I'm chained, so hopefully the fact that I at least tried to get it out of the house will please my husband.

During the entire time that I was cleaning.  I could hear that music playing in the basement, and every once in a while. I would hear that girl scream. I hoped that she would quickly learn her lesson. So I wouldn't have to listen to that any longer.

I lean against the refrigerator and begin to wait for Colton to come inside so that we can eat. During this time, I muse over the meal that I will prepare for him.

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