Chapter 40

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I woke up the next morning to find that all of the men had left. I got dressed as soon as possible and looked over at the letter that Colton had left on my pillow.

When I first start reading it, I pick it up, bringing it closer to my face.

Good Morning Wife,

Today I'm going to be outside taking care of the crops. Winter will be coming soon, so I need to get this done. The list of your chores is as follows.

The restrooms need to be cleaned.
Ensure that the baths and the toilets have been given a thorough cleaning.
The floors need to be swept and mopped.
It's time to vacuum the carpets.
Ensure that the kitchen table and the counters are spotless.
Organize the contents of the refrigerator and the freezer.
Make sure our bedsheets are clean.
The washing tub is located just outside the kitchen door, and the clothes line for drying laundry is located on the left side of the house.
Remember If you try to escape by running, you wouldn't be able to do so.
Be a good wife.

Your Husband who deserves your love.

Oh my god, he's going to let me go outdoors without him! I'm going to make the most of the short amount of time that I get to spend outside without Colton or that damn chain.

However, what if it turns out to be a trap?

It is a good thing that he will probably watch me to see what I do once I am outside because then I will have the opportunity to show him that I am capable of being a good wife and gaining his trust. This will increase the likelihood that he will bring me into town one day so that I can attract the attention of someone there.

There must be a beginning point for trust.

I go down the stairs and open the closet door to grab the cleaning supplies I need. I get the broom, mop, and duster out of the closet, along with what appears to be an old bottle of pledge and a shower scrubber.

I carry the shower scrubber as well as the mop bucket, the pledge, the broom, and the mop up the stairs. I come dangerously close to dropping the mop bucket, but I am able to keep hold of it and proceed to the first bathroom.

I promptly set to work scrubbing the toilet, and all the while I'm doing it. I'm thinking, thank god none of those guys used our bathroom because they have terrible aim. Now I have to clean urine off the seat of the darn toilet.

As soon as that is spotless, I go on to the bathtub in the auxiliary bathroom and begin scrubbing the bottom of the tub.
I have to pull hair out of the bathtub drain with my fingers, the hair was stopped up the water from draining.
After I have finished cleaning the bathtubs, I place my sponge and shower cleaner on the counter and begin to sweep the floors. It isn't too difficult to sweep these floors, so I am able to complete the task in a short amount of time. To finish, I mop the floors with an apple-scented floor cleaner, which is appropriate because there are apple trees on the farm.

As soon as that bathroom was finished, I dashed into our bathroom and repeated everything I had just done in the spare one. I was able to get everything done quickly because Colton and I aren't the dirtiest members of the family, and our bathroom wasn't in particularly bad shape.

After that is finished, I put the shower cleaner and pledge back in the cleaning closet and start sweeping the floors in the living room. After that, I push the furniture back and think to myself, Lordy, I guess Colton was needing a wife because I don't know how long it's been since a good cleaning was done in this house."

I swiftly mop the floor, while simultaneously shifting all of the items around once again to ensure that I get everything thoroughly clean.

I use the apple cleanser to clean the TV stand and the side tables, and it leaves a really pleasant scent after each use.

After using the spray and the duster to remove the dust that has accumulated on the television, I move on to cleaning the kitchen because the living room is now finished.

My entire body is in so much pain that I am hobbling slowly on my injured leg, and the fact that I am rushing through all of this is not helping my condition in the least. As a result of the sweat that is going into the wounds on my body from the constant movement of my body, the cuts on my body are starting to burn.

Since I clean the kitchen counters and table every night, the only thing that needs to be done is the floor. It takes me about 20 minutes to sweep and mop the floor, and then I put the mop and broom away in the cleaning closet after emptying the dirty water from the mop into the sink and rinsing it out. The kitchen counters and table are dirty because I clean them and the table every night.

I take out the vacuum cleaner and begin to clean the upstairs, beginning with the rooms that have carpet, which is the majority of the rooms on the upper level.

After that is finished, I carry that back down the stairs and then put it on the highest shelf in the closet.

I woke up this morning a little less sore than I was yesterday, but I'm still sore enough for my body to be protesting all of this movement. I'm starting to feel the pain in my body.

Walking up and down all of these steps has left me out of breath, and I can feel the sweat running down my cheeks. I can't stop now because if I do, my body will hurt too much, so I push through the pain, gather the sheets from our bedroom, and then finally head outside. I can't stop now because if I do, my body will hurt too much.

The reason I was able to get everything done in such a short amount of time was because I wanted to spend as much of today looking around outside as I could.

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