Korra: Well, then what do we do?

Shanks: Don't worry, I have a plan to make sure that you, my son, and the airbenders all come out in one piece.

Lin: And what is your plan.

Shanks: A classic divide and conquer strategy with a little bit of the element of surprise thrown in, Zaheer does not know how many of us there are, and there are only four of them. Our numbers are greater than theirs, so we can use that to our advantage by splitting up into two teams. Team A and B Team B will consist of Mako Bolin and Asami, and they'll take the airship to the temple. Meanwhile, me, Tonraq, Lui, the Beifong sisters, and the metal clan will get into position below Lagima's peak and wait. We will contact each other with radios, and once team B gets the airbenders, we will strike this way. Even if it turns out to be a trap, we can at least get Korra out of there. What do you think?

Mako: That could work.

Tonraq: Yeah, it's quite a solid plan, Mr. De La Hoya.

Suyin: I knew bringing you along was a good idea 

Shanks: Thanks, and  Just call me Shanks.

Time Skip.

It's the other day and we see The airship of the Metal Clan sets down below Laghima's Peak, and Lin gives Mako some final instructions to radio as soon as he sees the airbenders. Korra hugs Team Avatar goodbye before they leave for the temple, and Tonraq hugs Korra and tells her how proud he is of her.

Korra: I love you, dad.

Tonraq: I love you too, sweetheart 

And as they separated Lui walks over to Korra.

Korra: Lui? Is there something you want?

Lui: I just wanted to say that what you're doing is really brave. You earned my respect, Avatar.

Korra: *Smiles* Thank you, Lui.

With that Lui and Tonraq walked back to team A.

Korra: And Dad, watch out for Zaheer; he's not very fond of the world leader.

Tonraq: *Smirks*  I can handle him; just stay focused on your mission.

With that, Team A ran to the mountainside and began scaling it; the metalbenders used their cables to do so; Tonraq scaled used water bending and froze the water and turned it into ice blades and used them to scale the mountain; Shanks used his sword to scale the mountain; and Lui formed an ice platform and used it to fly to the top. Korra then used her glider and began gliding to the top.

Mako, Bolin, and Asami fly around the Northern Air Temple, astonished by the damage the building has sustained. They touch down and meet Ghazan, who began leading them to the airbenders. At the same time, Korra touches down at Laghima's Peak, where Zaheer and P'Li are waiting for her. 

Zaheer: Drop your staff and surrender yourself.

However Korra dosent do that and remains where she is.

Zaheer: Don't make me come get you.

We cut to Team B being led by Ghazan to a room where they find a badly beaten Tenzin chained to the ground with a cloth on his mouth, as well as the Airbenders all cuffed and their faces covered. That's when Korra radios them.

Korra: Mako. What's going on?

Mako: They're here, but so is the Lavabender.

We cut back to Korra who turns to Zaheer.

Korra:*Angrily* Tell Ghazan to let the Airbenders go.

Zaheer: Not until you turn yourself over. This isn't a negotiation.

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