I let out a soft sigh and press the button to start my car. I can't even count the amount of times I have lost my keys, because my new car does not require the key to start it. As long as the key is inside the vehicle is going to start.

I guess I can head to the bar for a bit. The little makeup I put on this morning still looks good, and my blonde hair and curls aren't so bad. I'm wearing my work clothes though, it's a grey jacket and pants suit, perfectly acceptable for working at a law firm but definitely not for a night out.

I'm not going all the way home to change my outfit, so this is going to have to do. It is what it is and ill be just as unhappy to be there in whatever outfit I am wearing.

"Abby? Hello? Can you hear me?" Kim asked again, this time her voice sounding annoyed.


"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. Where do you want to meet?"I asked her with fake excitement, in my tone. She knows I have been working over time all week, she knows I don't really want to drag my ass to a bar right now.

I'm tired and would like nothing more than to be able to go home and crash, and as I said before, get lost in a movie or a book.

After telling me the name of the bar, she also tells me our other two friends, Ashley and Kate, are there too.

Seems we are going to be having a girls night out. That kind of makes me actually want to go now. It's not often that we all get together and I really don't want to miss the opportunity to see all my close friends.

Holding the phone away from my ear, the loud music making my ear drum hurt, I tell her I'm on my way and hang up the phone. I toss my phone in the passenger seat and head to the bar.

Fifteen minutes later, I walked inside and seen Kacey sitting at the bar, leaning against it and smiling at the bartender.

She must have senced me because she slowly turned herself and the bar stool my way and waves when she set her eyes on me. She jumped off the stool and quickly headed my way.

"You made it!" She yells over the music, raising her arms, crashing into me. She threw her arms around me, pulled me into her and hugged me.

I hugged her back, I missed my friends. It's been a very busy week. Once we break out of each other's arms, I allow her to pull me towards the bar.

"How's work?" She asked me, picking up her drink that she left on the counter.

I told her numerous times to never leave her drink behind. Does she remember how many times I have told her about a case I was helping my boss on? So many men drug women, we don't need to make it easy for them.

"It's good. We have an important trial coming up, so I have just been putting in significant effort into the case and many hours. Hoping my boss recognizes how hard I work. " I tell her, shrugging my shoulders, leaning my body into the counter. My feet are killing me in these damn heels. I was in them for 9 hours today.

"Well, let's have fun tonight!" She suggests, before ordering us a round of shots called Love Beach. Don't even ask me what's in them, they taste like coconut is all I care to know.

This will be a long night.

Sitting down on a stool at the bar, Katie and Ashley join us. They both order shots. I can't help but laugh at how funny we look. I have blonde hair, Kacey has black, Katie has red and Ashley has brown.

We look like the rainbow.

Men can really have their pick of us, it is weird that our friendship is made up of all different hair colors but it is.

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