Her mother sighed. “Speaking of your father, he’s not going to like this Cassidy.” She said, weakly. “If the two of you happen to become more than just friends, it’s your responsibility to inform him as soon as he returns home.”

“I know,” Cassidy spoke quietly.

“You have been keeping up with your studies as well as your training with Jack, right?”

Cassidy nodded. “Of course,” She said. “And speaking of Uncle Jack, I have to leave or he’ll blow a gasket if I’m a single minute late. Drop me off and we’ll continue our discussion on the way?”

Her mother shook her head and handed her the car keys. “I trust you.” She said. “Make sure to buckle up and drive safely.”

Cassidy smiled. “I will,” She said and jumped off the counter. “Thanks for the chit-chat, but next time please don’t bring up the topic of you and dad having sex. I think I’m going to have nightmares for the rest of my life.” She shivered.

 Her mother chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Go kick some ass,” She said.

“Oh, yes.” Cassidy smirked.


“You’re not focused!” Jack scolded.

Cassidy pulled herself up onto her knees. “I am focused, Jack!” Cassidy panted.  “Just give me a second to catch my breath!”

“Do you think an assailant’s going to give you a second to get back up when he has you down on the ground, defenseless?” He said, kicking her back down onto the ground and pulled out a pistol Cassidy knew was filled with blanks. “You’re weak. Your father raised a weak little girl who will never amount to anything in her pathetic worthless life. You’ll be killed on your first week on the job, kid.”

“Take it back.” Cassidy growled, her finger nails digging into the dirt. Everything happened so slow, she could hear the sound of his breathing and the gun cock behind her, itching to penetrate the bullet proof vest she was wearing. With cat like reflexes, she quickly turned her body and swung her leg under one of Jack’s, knocking him down onto the ground causing him to pull the trigger and fire into the air by surprise.

As Jack hit the ground, Cassidy pulled her pistol from its holster. Placing a foot on his chest, Cassidy leveled the weapon at her Uncle and smiled. “As always, I win Jack.” She panted.  

“Get off me you little brat, you just got lucky.” Jack growled as he tried pushing himself up.

Cassidy kicked him back down. “Not a very nice thing to say to someone who’s got a pistol pointed directly at you.” She said, as she removed her foot from his chest.

Jack stood up and dusted the dirt off his pants and stared at Cassidy. “You need to focus better, Cassidy. Your mind is wondering off to pointless things, and when that happens you’re not alert. Stay focused, concentrate on what matters.” He said.

“Yeah, yeah.” She said, holstering her weapon. “You do this every time we finish our stupid session, yet I always win. You really should heed your own advice sometimes, Jack.”

“Stop acting so cocky, Cassidy.” He growled. “You’ve gotten better, yes. But when your father comes home, he won’t be as lenient as I am with you. I’m warning you right now sweetheart, whatever’s grabbed your attention lately, get rid of it.”

Cassidy removed her vest and holster and handed them over to Jack. “Can’t you two just lay off me for a change and let me be a teenager just once in my life. Is that so much to ask?” She argued. “I’ve done everything my father has requested of me and frankly I’m sick of it, all of it. I’m tired of being his punching bag every single time he comes home and what’s worse, is that he’s given you permission to take over whenever he’s not around. You’re no better than he is. I’ve finally managed to squeeze out a little happiness in my life and you two want to take that away from me? How can you two be so selfish?”

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