Chapter forty one

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Chapter Forty One
When Hermione had finally made friends with Ron, and found out that he had 6 siblings, she was shocked. Growing up as an only child she'd been desperate for a sibling to play with and fight with. More so, when she found out that she was magical, she thought she'd had felt less scared if she'd had someone else to do it with. When she met the rest of the Weasley clan, beginning with the twins she was glad not to have them. The twins were so boisterous and loud, for someone as sensible as Hermione, they were just too playful. As the years at skill past, she grew fund of Fred and George.

During third year, when Ron was being cruel about Crookshanks and Scabbers. Fred had found her crying in an alcove he'd waited away her tears and told her that Ron was being ridiculous. He sat with her, making her laugh for what felt like hours. She saw him in a new light. Then she would never admit it, but she had found there ingenuity, fascinating. After that day, she had noticed more and more moments of Fred's kindness. She never paid attention to him before, but now it was like she was drawn to him this year with Ron once again, being completely ridiculous, she found herself alone, more often than not. Somehow, Fred and George had noticed the began pulling her along with them. It didn't help her being drawn to spending nearly all her time with him. George had noticed a change in his brother lately. Every time he was around Hermione, he seemed to light up. When he mentioned it to Fred, he brushed him off. Little did George know but just that statement alone had gotten him actually thinking about what it might mean when Hermione had walked downstairs at the Yule ball with Harry by her side, he felt a pang in his chest. he felt his heart race as he looked at her. She looked beautiful. Perhaps this feeling might not be nothing after all. Sadly, everything had quickly changed for him before he got a chance to even think about doing anything about it when Harry's guardians had asked to take them in, if they needed it, he'd been finally forced to accept how things were with his mother.

He has arrived at the Potter Manor with Georgie, quite upset. By the time everyone had went to bed, he could not sleep and ended up getting up again. His his mother's words to Cassie, she would never be proud of them, not for who they were anyway. Hermione had found him standing in the snow in the backyard, staring at the sky sky.

"Fred? Are you alright?" she asked softly.
When he didn't respond, she reached out to touch his arm.
"Fred?" She asked again.
He jumped at her touch on his arm.
"Sorry did you say something?" he asked.
"I just asked if you were okay but you clearly are not." She replied.
"Oh no, I'm fine." he choked out.
"Aw c'mere." She said, pulling him into a hug. That was all he needed to break his resolve. He sobbed into her arms, finding himself pouring out all that had happened with his mother. She had listened and suit him as best, she could. They've barely been back in their beds when they've been walking for Christmas morning, well, the Potters version anyway. They found themselves setting close to each other for the rest of the day. Hermione's heart had broken for Fred, the previous evening.

By the time they had made it back to Hogwarts, the pair had grown very close. It started with handholding, neither of them had even noticed they had begun to do so. It was Ginny, who had pointed it out to them, causing them to blush and let go. Of course with Ron being close by when they had been said he had an outburst shouting at the pair of them before storming off. Hermione had felt upset at causing problems between the two brothers that she had withdrawn from Fred's company for a few weeks.

Fred was so angry at his brother, for speaking to Hermione, the way that he had. Ron had always had a temper. He was never good at sharing, he had always felt overshadowed by his brothers. Fred knew this and had always tried to include him. His brother had been there the night he and George left his mother's home. He had at least expected for Ron to reach out and make sure that they were okay. he should have known better. Ron had never been good at thinking about anyone else, but himself. This recent argument had proven that was still the case. Hermione had been avoiding him and he had enough of it. He decided to track her down. Of course he phoned her in the library.

" Hermione, please stop avoiding me. I know that Ron was angry and horrible to you but please don't avoid me." he pleaded.
" I'm not avoiding you Fred." She replied, as she began packing up her bag.
"You clearly are you were quite content studying until I came over here and now you are rushing away from me." He said sadly.
"Oh, Fred. I don't mean to avoid you it's just I don't want to come between you and Ron. I'm sorry." She said attempting to leave.
"Hermione, you aren't going to be what comes between me and Ron. Ron is going to be what comes between me and Ron. he's an angry, stubborn, jealous, fool but I won't let him lose me you."
"Lose me?" She breathed out.
" Hermione, you have been there for me recently more than some members of my own family. I know that we have something here I hadn't noticed it before, but at the Yule ball I had never felt so jealous of Harry in my life. You looked beautiful. You always look beautiful and I understand if you don't feel the same." He rushed out.
Hermione flung her arms around Fred's neck, and said, "Of course I do, Freddie."

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