Chapter six

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Chapter six

Cassie rushed down the stairs towards Sirius as soon as the trial was over. He shot her grin and winked. She laughed, pulling him into a hug. She was over the moon that he was finally free to roam around. Just as they pulled apart they were again approached by Dumbledore. This time though Sirius pushed Cassie behind him, he had obviously decided he was taking charge of this conversation this time.

"Ah Sirius my boy, I am so pleased that sense was seen after all." the twinkly old man spoke.

"Yes, if only someone who had the ministries ear 14 years ago had fought my corner but thankfully for me, Cassie Potter saved the day. Always the Potters eh Professor?" He replied, the implication behind his words clear.

"Of course dear boy. We really must speak soon." Dumbledore answered still holding on the grandfatherly tone.

"I believe my fiance has made it clear that we have nothing left to speak about Albus, my loyalty lies with Harry and Cassie. We must be going now." Sirius took hold of Cassie's hand and they walked away. Cassie felt some of the tension that had built up over the last few days begin to ease, Sirius had made it clear, he was choosing her. That they were a team and they would make it through all of this together.

They arrived at the Leaky Cauldron ahead of the scheduled meeting time with Harry and Reg, so they decided to order some food whilst they waited. Old tom was surprised to see Sirius and Cassie together again but no sooner had they spoke to the man, than the pub had an owl arriving dropping off the Daily Prophet. The front headline was clear as day "SIRIUS BLACK INNOCENT. MINISTRY ERROR WRONG MAN IMPRISONED."

Eventually Reg and Harry joined them in the pub, they explained what happened at the trial and then they left to head for Gringotts. Cassie was nervous, it had been some time since she had been in the bank. As they entered the marbled bank, they felt all eyes on them. Cassie took charge and led them up to the free bank teller.

"We would like to speak to the Potter account manager." she said.

"Oh, and who should I say is asking for him?" The teller replied, he obviously knew who they were.

"Cassiopeia Potter and Harry Potter." The goblin nodded his acknowledgement of the pair and left to find the Potter manager.

They stood for a short time before an older looking goblin joined them. Cassie greeted him fondly.

"Pozaxe, it has been a long time. I hope your gold flows in abundance." She smiled at him.

"Ms Potter, I see we have much to discuss, shall we head through."

The group followed the goblin into the back of the bank and into on the offices. Additional chairs were conjured by Pozaxe for Sirius and Reg.

"Now then, are we looking for an update on the Potter vaults, or is it for Heir Potter to claim his ring?" Pozaxe asked.

"Well I suppose both of those things but we are also looking for assistance with Harry's scar. I-" Sirius took hold of her hand before she continued. "We believe that his scar has a horcrux from Voldemort inside. We believe that goblin healers will be superior in managing this type of cursed scar."

"A horcrux? Hmm let me see." Harry moved closer to Pozaxe and pulled his hair back. The scar for it's age was still like an open wound, red and raw. "Hmm yes i think you may be correct Ms Potter. Would you like to see to the first two situations first or deal with the horcrux?"

"I think Harry may not be fit after we deal with the horcrux, so perhaps we may handle the first two, in the meantime Sirius would like a meeting with the Black account manager." Pozaxe sent for the Black account goblin, Bloodhook, who took one look at Reg and Sirius and seemed to know that they were the Black brothers. Once they had left, Pozaxe asked for a drop of Harry's blood and a drop of Cassie's. This was to ensure they were both of the Potter line and not imposters.

Once this was confirmed, an account summary was produced detailing what each Potter account held.

Head Potter Vault

Galleons: 1,477,489

Sickles: 16

Knuts: 19

Heir Potter Vault

Galleons: 738,744

Sickles: 8

Knuts: 9


Sleekeazy's Hair 50%

Daily Prophet 20%

Zonkos Joke Shop 5%

Flourish and Blotts 2%

Harry gasped beside her, he was shocked by the amount of money and surprised that he owned any shares in any companies. Zonko's and Flourish had been James and Lily's wedding present from their parents. She owned the other half of Sleekeazy's, this was part of her role as Lady Gryffindor. Once all had been read and understood, the heir ring was brought out of the Head vault.

"Do i need to do anything to earn the ring?" Harry asked nervously staring at the gold and black ring. Cassie shook her head, "No Harry, the family magics will judge if you are a Potter, which you are plain as day and then you should feel a change to your magic." Cassie answered. He cautiously reached out for the ring and slid it onto his pinky finger. He gasped, feeling the rush of the magic. It felt like it was swirling around inside of him, after a minute a golden glow could be seen from Harry before it settled.

Pozaxe stood before speaking firmly. "Now that we have gotten this out of the way, we must go along towards the healers to have the horcrux seen to." Harry stood nervously before addressing Pozaxe.

"Pozaxe sir, I would like to pay Gringotts for assisting me in this and would like for you to take 20,000 Galleons as payment." He said.

"Sir? You are a curious wizard Mr Potter, as was your father and grandfather. It would be Gringotts pleasure to assist you in this endeavour however, we will agree to your request of payment for services." Pozaxe bowed to Harry and Harry bowed back.

They then walked along the corridor and paused outside a black door with a gold name plaque on the door that stated BLOODHOOK. Pozaxe knocked on the door once before entering. Sirius and Reg exited the office and joined them in the corridor whilst the goblins spoke. Sirius turned to Cassie, she looked terrified. He took a hold of her hand giving it a squeeze.

"Cass it will be okay. Did everything else go alright?" He asked.

"Yes all okay with the accounts, I am just nervous Siri. Did you get the Lord ring?" She asked.

He nodded his hand, flashing her his pinky as Reg flashed her his pinky too. She was confused at first and then looked closer. Ah Sirius had taken the Lord ring meanwhile Reg had taken up the heir ring. This was a good sign, the brothers were clearly willing to work together from now on.

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now