Chapter thirty five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Throughout all the planning on the run up to the wedding they had completely forgot to inform Andromeda and the rest of the Tonks family that Regulus wasn't dead. Thankfully for Sirius and Cassie, Andromeda had chosen to keep her shock contained, thank god for Black family training. She had the grace to wait until the after the vows before she accosted the bride and groom.

Andromeda had taken her seat at Sirius' wedding, fussing over Ted's robes and trying to urge Nymphadora to sit still, in an attempt to control her clumsiness, when she finally glanced up to look at Sirius, she could've fallen out of her chair. Standing next to Sirius was her supposed long dead cousin. She gasped, drawing Ted's attention to her. He looked at her confusedly, hoping she would inform him of the problem but when she made no attempts, he decided to ask his wife.

"Meda? What's wrong?" He asked worry lining his face.

"That man standing next to Sirius is his brother Regulus." She forced out through tightened lips.

"Reg-Regulus Black? I thought he was dead?" Ted replied shocked.

"Yes, so did I." Came the firm response.

Andromeda sat silently watching the binding ritual, patiently awaiting her chance to interrogate her cousins. When the guests were shown back into the smaller ballroom, she stood with the other guests awaiting the arrival of the bride and groom. It was a small affair for the wedding of a Black Lord, it had a significantly different guest list than one Aunt Walburga would have arranged for Sirius. She chatted politely with Minerva McGonagall and enjoyed some canapes.

A tiny house elf entered the ballroom dressed in a tiny red ballgown.

"It is Tippy's pleasure to finally announce the bride and groom, Lord and Lady Black." The little elf bowed as Sirius and Cassie entered the room. They smiled at their guests and was going around thanking them for coming when they got to his cousin and family.

"Congratulations Sirius and Cassiopeia. However, I believe you withheld some important information about one of the guests here today." Andromeda spoke lips thinned.

Sirius was thoroughly confused at his cousin's tone and about to call her out on it when Cassie gasped beside him.

"Oh Merlin! Sirius we completely forgot. We are such idiots. Regulus!" She said complete panic crossing over her face. Sirius had the good sense to match that shame.

"Godric Andy! I am so sorry. I didn't even think. I'm going to bring him over and allow him the opportunity to inform you of what he is comfortable with." Sirius took off in search of his little brother. He hunted around the room before spotting him at the back of the room with Harry.

Harry had been overwhelmed with the ritual magic, he had never experienced magic like that before and he found it incredible. He felt quite emotional watching his godparents marry. He had been wanting to call Sirius, uncle, for a while now and was worried how he would take it. He had approached Regulus at the reception to speak with him about it.

"Reg, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Harry, is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything's fine. Do you think Sirius would mind if I started calling him Uncle Sirius?"

"Gosh Harry. I think he would be delighted to your uncle. Your dad always called the boys Uncle Padfoot or Uncle Moony. He would be honoured, I'm sure."

"Thanks Reg. I'm really glad you are here." It was then that Sirius had spotted his brother and made his way over.

"Reg. We fucked up. We forgot about Andy." He rushed out, grabbing onto Regulus' hand.

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