Chapter twenty four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Harry awoke was a start. His scar was killing him and he vaguely remembered flashes of Pettigrew and the ugly baby looking Voldemort thing. He wasn't completely clear but they knew he was no longer at Hogwarts and their original plan wasn't going to work. He was lying in his bed at the manor, man his family manor, he couldn't believe it. He had a whole family now and they were all fighting to keep him safe. He missed his friends but they would be visiting in the summer. A few days ago, Aunt Cassie had gotten word that because of the trial of Crouch Junior the Ministry had been forced to take the threat of Voldemort seriously. She had to sit in meetings with the Wizengamot for days, leaving Harry with Sirius. Regulus was off doing whatever Regulus done. Harry wasn't entirely sure. He lay there a little longer before he heard his Aunt Cassie talking to someone down the hall.

Cassie had fallen asleep on the couch when she'd gotten back from the Ministry late last night. She had only meant to sit and let her head clear for 5 minutes but she must have fallen asleep. Regulus Black had discovered the location of another Horcrux, he had been working closely with the Goblin's at Gringotts to create a spell that would allow them to detect the remaining soul pieces. The spell had finally worked and it was time to tell the people who weren't supposed to be dead.

Sirius was worried sick about Cassie, he knew she was busy at the Wizengamot. He had attended the first few meetings before they realised how long it was going to go on for. They decided that only one should be at the Wizengamot for this, someone had to be here for Harry. He had passed his votes onto Cassie. In the meantime, he got to spend more time with Harry, who was helping him to come up with a plan to propose to Cassie.

Harry decided to go investigate who his Aunt was talking to so early in the morning, he was wondering if something had happened, had she found out about what him and Sirius were up to? When he got to the lounge, he saw Aunt Cassie and Regulus dancing around the living room. A few moments later Sirius walked into the back of him. They looked at the scene in front of them and that at each other.

"What in the name of Merlins saggy left testicle are you two doing?!" Sirius exclaimed.

This seemed to cause Aunt Cassie to burst out laughing. He couldn't understand what she found funny about that, Harry thought it was a disgusting phrase.

"The spell worked!" Regulus answered, he obviously thought this gave them all the information they needed to understand the weird dancing at the crack of dawn however, it did not.

"What fucking spell?!" Sirius asked for them.

"Sirius! Reg has been working with Gringotts to create a Horcrux tracking spell so to speak. He was finally successful. We know where the rest are!" Cassie informed them.

As she finished telling them, Sirius turned towards Harry and gave him a look, before he picked him up and danced around the room with him too.

"Sirius put me down!" Harry said laughing. The four of them celebrated for a little longer before Regulus slightly dampened the joy but informing them of where the last ones were.

"Alright, so where are they all then?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Well that is part of the issue, we have the locket, the cup, Harry and the diary.We have to believe that he has made 3 more, so the tracking spell should technically show the 3 locations and 1 more for the wraith version however, we are only getting three locations." Regulus replied.

"Oh, so has he perhaps not got around to making the last one, maybe he is waiting until he gets a body back and kills Harry?" Sirius said. Both Harry and Cassie paled at the thought. Sirius seemed to notice and said "Not that that will be happening!" He rushed out.

"Yes you could be right. Two are located in the village of Little Hangleton, which makes me think one is him and one is the horcrux. The other, and this is the real issue, is located in Hogwarts."

"Shit! That's not good if he is so close to one of the horcruxes." Cassie said.

"Um well he will be with Pettigrew and that huge snake of his." Harry stated.

All the adults in the room turned to look at him.

"Harry how do you know that?" Cassie asked concerned, she expected that when they removed his horcrux from Harry that he wouldn't have this problem anymore.

"Well i woke up with my scar hurting and I could only remember parts of it but they were all there in what looked like an old house. I haven't had one in a long time and I thought it would be over now I don't have his soul inside me." Harry replied sheepishly, looking at his feet.

"Perhaps that is a side effect from how long the connection formed." Regulus suggested. With lack of any other option they decided to believe that for now.

"Right we can deal with the Hogwarts one, except we don't know what it is we are looking for." Cassie said.

"Yes well I have an idea on that, it could be Ravenclaw's Lost Diadem, it would fit with two of the other Horcruxes." Regulus replied.

"Alright, I will contact Auntie Min and arrange for us to get into Hogwarts. Harry do you still want to attend the Yule Ball?"

"Uh yes but I can't." Harry replied.

"Leave it with me, who do you want to take as your date?" Cassie asked.

"Uh well, no one, I think Ginny is going with Neville and Hermione has a date too although she won't tell me who it is." He replied frowning.

"Right leave it with me."

Minerva was sitting marking her third year essays when her nieces head appeared in her fireplace.

"Auntie Min." The fire sparked out.

"Cassie what on earth my girl?" She rushed over to the fireplace and kneeled down.

"We need to get into Hogwarts, Harry would like to attend the Yule Ball. I thought we could phrase it that we will be there as his guardians, get what we need whilst Harry gets to attend the ball with his friends?" She said.

"He is no longer a Hogwarts student dear."

"I know Auntie Min but I thought we could try to find someone who has asked him to come as their date that way he can still attend. He thinks Hermione has a date? Is there anyone else you can think of?"

"Yes leave it with me I will speak with them and then we can get you here. I expect more information about what you are here for that I cannot assist with?"

"I will Auntie Min, I promise, we are going to need you and Uncle Al sooner rather than later."

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