Chapter four

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Cassie stood from her chair, taking her chance.
Amelia immediately gave her the floor.
"Lady Gryffindor."
Cassie met her gaze and held eye contact before speaking.
"Given these circumstances, I move for the kiss on sight order of Sirius Black to be called off. If what he says is true then my ex-fiancé has been wrongfully imprisoned for 12 years." She finished.

Dumbledore stood, banging the gavel.
"All those in favour of the motion raise your hand." A count was taken and then he spoke again. "All those against." Cassie held her breath.
"Motion passed!" He finished banging the gavel again.

She stood to speak again.
"I believe a trial is in order for Sirius Black given the lack of one 14 years ago. On top of that, I would like an investigation into the statements regarding Voldemort returning." Murmurs rang through the chamber.

An hour later, it was determined that Barty Crouch would be further interrogated for information surrounding Voldemort before being kissed. A trial was set for Sirius for the following day and then another trial to be called for Barty Crouch Senior following the disclosure of him helping his son out of prison. Cassie left the Wizengamot and went for the fireplaces. She wasn't intending to head home yet. She arrived in the leaky cauldron before apparating a further two stops before arriving at a little cottage in Shetland.
She was the only one who could see it other than it's resident. She approached the door and knocked.

The door opened and there stood Regulus Black. Over the years the two had many fights ongoing, not only were they fighting for Sirius and Harry, they were hunting for a way to ensure that Voldemort never returned. They'd destroyed Slytherins Locket after he'd fallen. They didn't want to risk him realising one had been destroyed and checking on it. It would have put Reg in danger.

"Cass, what are you doing here?" He said panicked.

"He's trying to come back Reg, we have to find the rest of the Horcruxes as soon as possible. Harry is at risk, we need to move quickly." She said.

He stared at her for a moment, they both knew this day would come but now that it was here, he didn't know how to feel. He nodded at her and then let her in.

"You can't stay here now Reg, you'll need to come home with me, so we can plan better."
He nodded his head in understanding and then began to pack. Once he was ready, she grabbed a hold of his hand and they apparated to the hills she'd taken Harry earlier that day.

It was later than she realised by the time she'd gotten home. Sirius was sitting at the dining table staring into space, holding a letter in his hand. Remus had left shortly after Cassie had gone to the ministry. He promised to return.
"Sirius I need you to come outside, I need you to give our location to someone."
He looked up at her confused, who on earth would she want to know they were here. He stood walking outside.
Then he saw him, his little brother. He had aged since he last saw him, the scars on his face from the inferi had healed but still visible. His black hair had been cut short. He looked well.

"Reggie. It's uh- good to see you. I hear you tried to help Cassie, thank you." He spoke his voice cracking.
Reg gave him a slight nod of his head.
"I owe her everything, I owe her my life. I will always help her." He replied.
Sirius remained silent. Cassie had appeared behind him.
"Sirius he needs to know where we are, we have to talk. I know it's been a long day already but it's about to get longer." She spoke.

Harry had awoken to voices speaking downstairs, it took him a moment to register where he was. He'd been saved by his Aunt and Sirius. He was safe.

At the kitchen table sat Sirius and his Aunt Cassie but they weren't alone, another man was sitting with them. He had a deep scar on his cheek and dark hair like Sirius. Aunt Cassie spotted him first.
"Harry. Did we wake you?"
He shook his head and mumbled that he'd had a nightmare. Voldemort was angry, something about his faithful servant had being captured and being stuck relying on Wormtail.
The man and Aunt Cassie shared a look. They seemed to know what that meant.

"Harry, we would like to take you to see the goblins tomorrow after Sirius' trial. We think we know how to heal your scar."
Harry nodded his head and then stared at the other man.
Sirius cleared his throat before introducing his godson to his little brother. That explained how they looked alike.

"Wait, Sirius has a trial?!" He rushed out.
Cassie laughed.
"Yeah, it seems that Pettigrew is with Voldemort planning to resurrect him. Which we found out at the trial of the man who had impersonated uncle Al. This allowed for us to get Sirius a trial."
"Wow that's amazing. So you'll be free and everything will be alright again."

They discussed the upcoming trial of Sirius, the trip to the goblins and everything else. They'd sat so long that Tippy had to interrupt them to tell them it was late and they needed to get a goods nights rest for Sirius trial in the morning.

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now