Chapter twenty six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Hermione watched as the twins opened their letter first. She knew Ron was still being weird about Harry, she didn't want to open her letter with him sitting across from her but before she could move, Ron decided to ask about itl.

"What's he writing to all of you for?" He grumbled.

"Well Ronald, we are still his friends. We heard him out, you chose to be ridiculous about it." Hermione replied sharply.

"Oh you would say that, any chance to get on at me." Ron said as he stood and stormed out.

Hermione sighed and then opened the letter.


Hope you are okay at Hogwarts. I miss you all. Aunt Cassie has asked McGonagall if I can still attend the yule ball but she say's I would need to be someone's date. Unfortunately everyone she could think of already has a date so it probably won't happen. I just wanted to come back and have fun with my friends again for one night. Anyway, Sirius is intending to propose to Aunt Cassie again, and he is hoping to get married at New Year. I was going to invite you all for Christmas but I imagine you will all be staying for the yule ball and then going home, so instead I am inviting you all to my home (finally I can do that!) for New Year! Hope you can come. I hope Ron isn't giving you too much of a hard time and if he would just hear me out then I would ask him to come too. Hope to hear from you soon.


Hermione finished reading her letter, stood up from the table and went to the library. She knew he would follow. Viktor found her in the charms aisle.

"Hermyown. How are you?" He said.

"I'm fine Viktor but I need to talk to you. My friend Harry is unable to attend Hogwarts this year as you know, but I miss him and he really wants to go the ball. He can't without a date so he was just going to leave it but I would like to go with him. I hope you understand that I will have to change my mind about going with you, I am really sorry-"

"Hermyown, do not be sorry. I understand. You miss your friend. I will find someone else. We stay friends." He replied and gave her a hug.

Once he left, Hermione sat down to write her reply to Harry.


Hogwarts is fine. I miss you too. I've told my date I can't go with him anymore, he understands and has agreed to stay my friend. We can go to the ball together as friends? I shall inform Professor McGonagall of this. Of course I would love to come to your house for New Year. I actually told my parents i'd be staying at Hogwarts this year, as they are going abroad and I was originally supposed to go to the Burrow but with things with Ron as they are, I no longer wanted to. I could come home with you after the ball? Let me know, if not I will stay until New Year. The twins have refused to go home too, I am sure they will explain this in their own letter to you. See you soon.


Hermione went up the owlery to sent her letter off with the school owl when she bumped into the twins and Ginny.

"Hermione, replying to Harry?" Fred asked.

"Yes, he's coming to the yule ball with me. I cancelled with my date."

Ginny gasped next to her. "What!? But you were going with Krum Hermione?"

"Yes well friendship is more important and we all miss Harry. He'd have preferred to go with you Ginny I'm sure but you are only able to go because of Neville."

"You are a good friend Mione. Are you going for new year?"

"Yes, although as I am no longer going to the Burrow whilst my parents are away, I have said I could go home after the ball with him. What about you three?"

"Well Hermione we-

-are going after the ball too." The twins spoke.

"I can't, mum won't let me. She thinks Harry's Aunt and Sirius are being irresponsible by pulling him out of school as you know."

They sent their letters off together to Harry in the end.

Harry was playing exploding snap with Sirius, when McGonagalls head appeared in the fireplace.

"Mr Potter. Mr Black. Is Cassie available?"


"Yes thank you Mr Potter." Sirius laughed. Cassie came rushing into the lounge.

"Honestly Harry, you could have come and got me rather than bellowing through the house. Aunt Min is everything okay?" Harry suitably admonished looked back at Sirius, who was still laughing, and fidgeted with his cards.

"Yes dear, Ms Granger has decided to take Harry to the ball with her. I assume when I see you tomorrow, you will explain the requirement for this?" She said.

"Yes I will. Thanks Aunt Min. See you then."

Harry was gaping at the fireplace. He was sure Hermione said she had a date when they wrote last. A short time later, his letters arrived. He felt awful Hermione had changed her date, and immediately wrote back telling her so, that he would understand but thanking her at the time. The twins and Ginny's letter made him angry and sad.


We aren't welcome home at the Burrow this Christmas. We have fallen out with mum. She has been moaning at us about the pranks and she was angry at us for meeting with you and your family. She thinks they have been irresponsible pulling you of school and she says it explains it all that two irresponsible people will think another two irresponsible people are acceptable guardians. She obviously forgets how skinny you were when we rescused from the prison in our third year with dads car but never mind. We were going to be staying at Hogwarts but if you would have us we would love to come for Christmas and of course New Year. Hopefully you will get the ball issue sorted and we can see you there. Thanks for the invite mate! See you then!

Forge and Gred"

Harry then read Ginny's letter where she explained she was going home but only because Molly threatened to come to Hogwarts and drag her home. He groaned in rage which drew the attention of his Aunt and Sirius. He couldn't even explain the issue so he just handed them the letter.

Cassie's face grew red and Sirius' lips thinned. Harry noticed straight away. They were angry too. 

"Leave it with us Harry. Everything will be fine. Of course your friends can come and we will speak with the twins then about their situation." Cassie spoke firmly pulling Harry in for a hug.

Sirius shared a look with his fiancee and knew then that those boys were about to be offered a home with them as well as an investment into their business. In that moment, he saw Dorea in Cassie and he felt like crying. He was glad Harry had her and the twins would have her too. 

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