Chapter thirty nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine

DUMBLEDORE vs GRINDELWALD or Dumbledore and Grindelwald - Enemies or lovers?

Welcome to part 2 dear readers, it begins with the origins of the Dark Lord Grindelwald. Young Gellert studied at the Drumstrang Institute where he was expelled for a variety of dark and twisted attacks on students, some nearly fatal. After his expulsion he moved to Godric's Hollow to live with his Aunt Bathilda Bagshot where he met the Dumbledore family. They resided next door to his Aunt, where he caught the eye of the eldest Dumbledore, our esteemed Headmaster. They became fast friends, and Grindelwald shared his desires and plans for the future. Albus, having lost his father to Azkaban after the muggles had attacked his sister, he ate up Gellert's plans. They were going to lead a wizarding revolution, they wanted to lift the statute of secrecy and subjugate muggles. During the 2 months they knew each other, it is believed they became lovers and even went as far as making a blood pact swearing to never fight each other. With this in mind how did they end in the well known duel of 1945 which ended with Grindelwald in prison? The boys had made plans to leave Godric's Hollow and travel the world, Dumbledore said it would all be in the name of 'the Greater Good' and that they would lead the world to new heights. As many will know, the phrase 'For the Greater Good' became Grindelwalds motto. When Aberforth heard of his brothers plans, he was furious, he was angry that his brother was abandoning their younger sister. He challenged the men, and a fight broke out. Gellert cast the Cruciatus Curse at Aberforth and when Albus moved to protect his brother, the fight escalated, resulting in the death of young Ariana Dumbledore. Following this fact, Gellert fled England and began the first wizarding war, meanwhile, Dumbledore remained behind becoming the man we know now. So were they enemies like Dumbledore always proclaimed or does the attached letter's prove the two men were in love? Stay tuned dear readers for my new tell all book. 'The life and lies of Albus Dumbledore' by Rita Skeeter.

The mail had arrived at Hogwarts, Hermione, Ginny and the Twins turned to watch the headmaster as McGonagall turned to ask him if it was the truth.

"Albus, is this true?" She asked aghast, Minerva needed to play her part. He refused to turn to look at the her, he slammed the newspaper down on the table. For the first time since he was but a babe he had an accidental magic outburst. The candles in the ceiling went out, the windows caved in. Students ducked for cover.

"ALBUS! For goodness sake, calm down at once!" Minerva exclaimed. She put the hall back to rights. Meanwhile at the Potter Manor, Cassie and Sirius were gathered with Regulus going over the horcrux map and compiling plans for the final battle. A ministry memo arrived for Cassie, it was from Amelia asking for her to attend at the Ministry. Cassie arrived and made her way directly to Amelia's office. When she arrived, Amelia was in the office with Rufus Scrimgeour. Cassie knew him to be to a strong, fair man. He was by the book.

"Amelia, I received the memo." Cassie said.

"Ah Lady Gryffindor, please come in and take a seat." Amelia responded.

Cassie sat, confused at the formal tone but then noticed Amelia had the original dossier that Cassie had given her.

"I have been looking into the files you gave me, and I have shared them with Refus. However, something are not adding up, we need to know how you got all of this information and we need a statement from everyone involved." Amelia finished.

Cassie panicked, it was time to involve the Ministry and let them know that Regulus was still alive. It would assist in the case against Dumbledore.

"We expected this, if you would both follow me to my home. I will be able to explain it better to you there." Amelia and Rufus stood and followed her out. When they arrived in the snowy hills of Glencoe, the two ministry workers shared a look. Where had she taken them?

"Please wait here a moment, I need to fetch Sirius." Cassie said, before disappearing in front of them. She quickly informed Regulus who was outside and what they were here for. Then she asked Sirius to write down the address on a piece of paper. The two workers outside were beginning to wonder if they had been duped when she reappeared in front of them.

"Here, read this." When they read, a large sprawling stone manor appeared in front of them.

"Bloody hell, this is the hidden Potter manor?" Rufus exclaimed.

Cassie laughed. "Yes, this is it. Come in." When they walked inside, Cassie called for Tippy. "Tippy, please prepare some refreshments and snacks, then bring them downstairs to fathers study." "Tippy will do it." Cassie then showed the two workers downstairs towards her fathers study.

"Rufus Scrimgeour and Little Amelia Bones as I live and breath. Well not so much these days." Charlus Potter's portrait stated.

"Charlus, I was unaware you had a portrait made." Rufus replied.

"Ah yes well, it is for family only."

"Yes, now Ms Potter-"

"It is actually Mrs Potter-Black." Cassie interrupted.

"Mrs Potter-Black, please tell us what on earth we are doing here." Rufus spoke firmly.

"I need you both to place your wands on the table next to me, I assure you that you will not come to harm here, however, you will be given quite a shock in a moment and I need you both to listen before acting. Which as my husbands like to remind me, Auror's are not taught to do."

They shared a look before agreeing to do so.

Sirius and Regulus arrived moments later. Amelia leapt from her seat, as did Rufus. Cassie immediately trained her wand on them, it would be over her dead body, that she would let anything happen to Regulus now.

"Regulus Black, you are supposed to be dead!" Exclaimed Amelia.

"Yes well as you can see I am not, Cassie lower the wand, I'm sure they won't hurt me." Regulus stated before walking in and taking a seat.

"How are you alive?" She spoke.

"Cassie saved my life." 

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