Chapter twenty eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Fred and George were nervously glancing at each other, did Harry's guardians not trust them as well as their own mother. It would make sense, if your own mother doesn't like you or trust you then how can complete strangers.

"I am sure you are both wondering why in Merlin's name we have brought you here. We read your letter to Harry about your plans for Christmas and the situation with your mother." George was surprised by the tone, Harry's aunt sounded angry.

"Um alright, I don't think we understand.." Fred said cutting off.

"Alright I am going to be very blunt boys and I hope you don't take it too badly. I am quite frankly appalled by your mother, her treatment of you both is nothing short of a disgrace. She does not always have to agree with your choices, merlin knows my mother didn't always agree with mine, however, she still loved my unconditionally. Which as far as I am concerned is exactly how your mother should feel-"

"Darling you are rambling. When I was young, my family didn't understand me, they didn't understand me. I ran away and moved in with the Potter's. My fiancee is merely attempting to follow in her parents footsteps. We would like to offer you a home with us until you graduate. We will cover all costs for schooling, clothing, your basic needs." Sirius finished.

"You what?" "You want us to what?" The boys spoke at the same time.

"Harry has told us a lot about you both, he says you are intelligent, funny boys who helped their little brother rescue his best friend. You remind me of my brother, Harry's father. You do not need to make any decisions right now, however, if you feel like you can decide right now, we will take you home to the burrow to collect any and all your remaining belongings. We want to take care of you both and support you in your future. We would like to invest in your future." Cassie finished.

"We just don't understand. Why would you take us in? What are you getting out of this?" Fred asked.

"We want to take care of you, we want to provide you with love and support. We want to encourage your dreams and help you achieve them. We have the room, we have the space, we have the money. We do not have any hidden agenda. Have a think about it, if you chose not to, the offer will always remain open to you and you are still welcome over the festive period. Now we should be getting back to Harry." Sirius finished before turning to leave the boys some space.

Cassie found Harry and Hermione by the staircase. Hermione appeared to have been crying. Cassie was immediately concerned, then she spotted Harry's knuckles and became more than concerned.

"Harry what happened bud?" Cassie asked kneeling down in front of the children.

"Um well see." He stopped talking looking at the floor.

"Alright then if you can't speak. Hermione sweetheart, what happened?"

"Ron. Harry punched Ron." "Nice!" "Sirius!" "What? The little shit deserved it."

"Alright Harry punched Ron, is that why you are crying or did Harry punch Ron because he made you cry?"

"Ron accused me of being a bad friend, he accused me of taking Harry's side and that I was traitor to t-the school." She cried harder.

"Hermione! Harry! What happened?!" The twins had appeared by their side. Fred took Hermiones hand in his, rubbing soothing circles.

"We had been dancing, having a good time. We had sat down to rest and I had gone to get us some drinks. When I came back, Ron was screaming at Hermione, calling her names and telling her that she was this terrible person because she had taken me to the ball. She was so upset and I told him to stop, to back off. He got up in my face, called Aunt Cassie a bitch who'd obviously abandoned me when I was a baby and I just lost it. I punched him in the face, I think I broke his nose."

"Right well, lets get you all home. Fuck Ronald Weasley! Lets not let him ruin the rest of your night." Cassie said, helping Hermione to her feet.

"Um can we talk to you first?" George asked.

"Yes course."

"We would like to take you up on your offer."

"Oh good, lets get the other two home first then, alright?"

The boys agreed. Cassie took Hermione and Harry home to the manor first. She took Sirius to Hogsmeade, in order to apparate to the Burrow. Before returning to take the boys.

When they landed on the grounds of the Burrow. The twins turned to look at her. "Blimey! How the hell can you apparate from the grounds?!" George asked.

"Ah well, I am Lady Gryffindor, Godric Gryffindor is my ancestor. Now are you ready for this?" She asked.

The boys shook their heads.

"I promise you that I will not let her anywhere near you, if she starts to spew her vile to you, I will immediately instruct Sirius to take you home. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, thanks." Sirius joined them moments later. The train had long left earlier in the evening to take the other children home. The twins walked ahead of the two adults towards their childhood home. Before they got to the door. Molly Weasley had appeared in her apron.

"What on earth are you two doing here?" she shouted.

"Ah Molly. It's been a while, I think the last time I seen you, you were pregnant with these two." Cassie replied.

"Yes well. That does not answer my question, what are you doing at my house? You have both been told not to come here." She said addressing the boys.

"Alright and this is where you shut the fuck up Molly. Boys go with Sirius collect your belongings. It's high time your mother and I have chat."

"I beg your pardon, how dare you?!"

"Molly? What's going on?" Arthur had appeared.

"Boys. Your mother said you didn't want to come home for Christmas." Arthur said.

"Arthur hello. The boys will be going to collect their belongings from their room. They are coming home with us. Molly has instructed them that they were not welcome at her home anymore as they were two irresponsible. Now Molly, I'm not sure what your problem is with your sons but I tell you what, when you chose to have your children, you made an active choice to love them and protect them unconditionally. You have failed that at every turn. Your sons are intelligent, they are inventive, they are kind. They will go far in this world but you have berated them, belittled them and put them down. You have shunned them from your family and left them feeling abandoned and alone. You are a disgrace." Cassie's voice raising as she went on.

"You get out of my house. You are not welcome here. You are irresponsible, taking Harry out of Hogwarts and away from Dumbledore, the people who love him."

"Oh really? The people who love him? Does that include you? Will you love my nephew unconditionally when you find out he punched Ron this evening for making Hermione cry and calling me names? Don't make me laugh Molly, you can't even love your own sons unconditionally, let alone my family." Cassie replied harshly.

Sirius and the boys reappeared at the doorway. "Cas all good?" Sirius asked.

"Yes darling, lets go home boys. Say goodbye to your parents."

"Bye dad!"

"Boys? What's going on?"

"Ask mum. We aren't returning here Cassie and Sirius have agreed to take us on." Fred took Cassie's arm and George took Sirius. In a blink they were gone. 

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now