Chapter thirty seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven


HOGWARTS SCHOOL- No longer a prestigious magical institution

For as long as many of our readers can remember Hogwarts school has been known as the best magical institution. However, it may surprise many whose own children attend the school currently, to learn that the school has under performed in a variety of subjects for the last 40 years, if the current OWL and NEWT results are anything to go by. Given the very small number of subjects offered and taught at the school, it would be expected that exam results would be high. That's right readers, Hogwarts currently offers the lowest number of subjects across the global magical schools. This reporter had a look into the schools currently competing against Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament and was surprised to find that both Beauxbaton Academy for Magic and Drumstrang Institute teach no less that 28 subjects each whilst Hogwarts offers only 14, that is half the subjects on offer at the other schools. Upon checking the exam results, it was surprising to find that the results for OWLs in History of Magic were at an all time low, with only 20% receiving an outstanding mark and more than half received a Poor result or below. No one went on to sit for NEWTs. The last Masters completed in History of Magic was in 1957. It may have something to do with the current professor, an old ghost who is not aware he has died or the current names of the students in his classrooms. Another subject performing poorly is that of a core subject, Potions, this is believed down to the bullying of students from the current professor. Severus Snape teaches Potions at Hogwarts, and many will remember that in the first wizarding war he stood trial for being a Death Eater and a member of you-know-who's army, he was spared by the testimony of the Headmaster. Sources say that a current student at Hogwarts has a boggart of his Potions professor. Imagine a child being so terrified for their professor at school that the thing they fear the very most is them. It may come as a surprise to the witches and wizards of our nation that since Albus Dumbledore took over as headmaster to the school, the standards have fallen, including the dropping of many key subjects such as Rituals and Curses alongside Magical Theory. Muggle studies took over from Wizarding Law, Politics and Traditions, a subject that allowed for Muggle students to fully immerse themselves into Wizarding society. Now this reporter is not implying that we should not be learning Muggle studies but that we should be learning both subjects side by side, to form a united magical society. Perhaps it's time for Dumbledore to step down.

Cassie put down the newspaper, pleased by the article that Rita had put out. It was subtle in the attempt to disparage Dumbledore which will be better for when the more explosive articles came out in the coming weeks. Soon enough owls were dropping of copies of the newspaper to students across the great hall. Hermione smiled to herself before glancing to the side to see Fred smiling back at her. He gave her a thumbs up, before continuing to read the paper with his brother. At the professors table, Albus Dumbledore was confused when all the students in the hall were looking up at him. When he looked along at his fellow professors, they were also looking at him. What on earth had been put in that blasted newspaper. He grabbed the copy out of Minerva's hand and began to read. Oh this wouldn't do, he needed Snape at this school as his spy. If parents began complaining about him, he would be forced to fire him or lest the ministry get involved.

"Many of you have read the recent article about our fine school and I must assure you that the results in this paper are not accurate. Hogwarts is and has always been a fantastic school, teaching an appropriate number of subjects to our young witches and wizards."

Hermione, the twins and Ginny all rolled their eyes, knowing fine well that the information in the article had been correct and that old man was clutching at straws by trying to convince them otherwise. Back at Potter Manor, they had received an urgent owl to report at the ministry as an emergency session had been called by the Minister as a result of the article. Cassie and Sirius immediately dawned their Wizengamot robes and left for the ministry. They were met at the lifts by Amelia Bones, she was surprised by the article but no less impressed by the information. As they walked towards chambers, they spotted Albus arriving via floo. He looked sour. Served him right, Cassie thought.

Sirius, Cassie and Amelia took their seats. Amelia was not here as her role of Head of the DMLE but as regent for House Bones until Susan was of age. Cornelius Fudge took to the front of the podium and gestured for everyone to be silent.

"I have called this meeting to discuss the recent article published by the Daily Prophet in regards the falling standards of Hogwarts School. I hope I am not alone in being appalled by our low rankings compared with our other educators. I now open the floor." Cassie stood immediately and was acknowledged to speak.

Sirius gave her hand a squeeze in support before she began to speak.

"I agree with you Minister, the results in the article were appalling. I am unsure how much of my nephews time at Hogwarts is known the members of this chamber however, I feel it is time for them to be known. In Harry's first year, the Philosopher's Stone was placed within the school, a professor at the school known as Quirinus Quirrell attempted to steal the stone and was thwarted by my nephew and his friends. Now you might be asking yourselves why on earth, first year pupil's were the ones to thwart him. Allegedly the stone was well protected by the professors of the school, one was a 3 headed dog guarding the trapped door, that the student stumbled upon, another was some devil's snare. Which in itself is great however, given that they had just learned about the plant in their first year class, it was hardly difficult to overcome. I ask myself why was a stone of such importance placed within a school with children in it, shouldn't our children be safe at school." Cassie looked around the room, to see horror on the members faces before she continued.

"I went to school with Severus Snape, he did get along with my late brother or my husband. Children aren't always kind to each other and Snape was friends with my late sister in law growing up, that is until he called her a Mudblood in our fifth year and the friendship didn't recover. My nephew began school, having been taken from me by the headmaster and placed with his muggle relatives, entirely unaware of magic or our world. Appalling given the circumstances surrounding his parents death but the headmaster felt it was his right to decide the guardianship of my nephew. He chose to seal the wills of his parents, that stated I was to become guardian and that he was never to be placed with the muggle relatives. This was ignored by the headmaster. I digress, however, Harry began his first potions class, by being made fun of for being a celebrity, yes a celebrity due to his parents dying, and then being asked a number of questions regarding a subject he had no prior knowledge in. He was belittled and told he was just like his father, arrogant and lazy. Imagine being 11 years old, raised by abusive muggles, unaware of your parents or their world and then being belittled by your professor. The bullying carried out by Severus Snape mentioned in the article did not surprise me one bit and I personally feel it is high time he was removed from his post." She finished before taking her seat once more. 

They went back and forth on the best approach for the school, something that Dumbledore fought against at every turn. In the end it was decided that Binns would be excorised and that Snape would be removed from his position. Lucius Malfoy suggested that Narcissa take over the post, this was agreed on a trial basis. By the time Cassie and Sirius arrived home they were so exhausted that they went straight to bed, choosing to fill Reg in on the outcome in the morning. 

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang