Chapter eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Harry wondered around Potter Manor for the first time since he arrived, he hadn't had a chance to properly explore. There had been a lot going on since he arrived, finding out he had another aunt, finding out about Regulus, having a horcrux removed from his head and taking on his heir ring. His mind had been racing since he arrived and he was overwhelmed. It was nice not to have anyone at home. He decided to go downstairs to the basement of the Manor and see what there was to find. When he got downstairs he was surprised to find a large round room with a desk in the middle. On the desk was the nameplate Charlus Potter. Harry was surprised, this must've been his grandfathers desk. As he wondered over to the desk a voice interrupted him.

"Well who would you be young man?" An older male voice spoke. Harry jumped out of his skin, he thought he was alone, who on earth is in the house.

"Over here young man, on the wall." The voice spoke again. Harry turned around to look at the wall and he noticed an older man's portrait. The man had similiar style hair to him, in that it was wild and stuck up, only his was grey. The man had hazel eyes but same shape of face as Harry.

"Um Hello? I'm Harry sir, Harry Potter."

"Potter eh? Well I am Charlus Potter, which one of my children had you?"

"My dad was James Potter sir. He uh, he died when he I was a baby." He spoke nervously looking at his feet.

"Jamie is your dad? I am sorry son. I was long gone by the time your father passed on."

"That's alright sir, I wish I had known him and my mum."

"Ah Lily Evans, Merlin your father managed to mention her in nearly every letter he sent home from Hogwarts. He loved her from the moment he met her. However, she had his card marked. Your father, i'm sorry to say, was a bit out of control towards his other classmates and your mother always called him out on it. Of course he matured and grew up, she saw how wonderful a man he could be. Your grandmother and I adored Lily."

"I don't know much about my family sir, I only met Aunt Cassie this year." he replied.

"Ah yes, she was so excited to finally be able to bring you home. She lost hours down here speaking to me about how to get you home. If I had been alive I can assure you that you wouldn't have been taken under anyones orders."

"She said she had fought for years to get me, I didn't realise how true that was. She's promised me she doesn't want me to ever leave."

"Oh son, your aunt will fight Merlin himself to keep you by her side. She has always been a determined person, even since she was a little girl. She was furious when she found out Dumbledore had taken you."

"Yes she said as much."

Harry sat there for hours talking to his grandfathers portrait, he was told stories of his dad and aunt. He was glad that he found him, it was bittersweet. He wanted to know where his grandmother's portrait was and he was told that she was in their old master bedroom. She liked to be upstairs but occasionally she would join him in his portrait. He told Harry how to find her if he wanted to go and speak with her.

Eventually he went upstairs for some lunch and was pleased to see Hedwig had returned. She was only carrying one letter but Harry hoped that maybe it was a joint letter.


I would have wrote you sooner but I thought you might want some time to get to know your aunt? How is that going? Hogwarts exploded when she apparated you out of the hall, how is she Lady Gryffindor? Does that mean you are related to him? Where are you living? Are you coming back to school? Its Hogsmeade next weekend, I could meet you there maybe? The tournament is going ahead as I'm sure you know from the Daily Prophet but Barty Crouch Snr has been arrested so he isn't running the competition anymore. I know you must be wondering about Ron. He is being ridiculous Harry, he thinks you lied to him about your family and he thinks you should've told him that you are a descendent of Godric. He told me that if you could lie to him then he doesn't want to know you anymore. I'm sorry Harry, I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't listen. Fred and George have been asking for you though, they said they believe you and they hope you will consider writing to them. Write back soon.

Love Hermione

Harry couldn't believe it, Ron didn't want to be his friend anymore. What is his problem? He didn't even know his aunt or anything about Gryffindor. This isn't his fault. He didn't know what to do about it. He was so glad that Hermione and the twins believed him. Hermione's letter was very much her. A million questions but comfort added here and there. Harry was really sad that the first friend he ever had didn't want him anymore. He sat for a long time staring at the letter in his hands for a long time. He was interrupted from his staring by his Aunt and Sirius returned.

"Harry you alright?" Sirius asked.

"Oh yeah fine, where is Regulus?"

"He stayed behind at the bank, they found another horcrux and he is helping them looking into the possibility of more. What's that in your hand?" Cassie answered.

"Oh um it's a letter from Hermione. I wrote her and Ron but only she replied." he said sadly.

Cassie crossed the room and put her arm around him. "What did she say?" Harry passed her the letter and both Sirius and Cassie read the letter. She was furious what kind of friend was this Ron Weasley. Surely he would await his judgement and speak with his friends first. She looked at Sirius, she knew she couldn't comfort him right now.

"Look Ron has always been a little tempermental, when I was trying to capture the rat with the help of Hermione's cat, he informed me that Ron was being nasty to her. Give him some space, we can absolutely go and see Hermione and twins if you want?" Sirius said.

Harry agreed and sent a letter back to all three. He always felt bad that they were always written to together. He wasn't surprised about the twins, when it was his second year and the whole school thought he was the heir of Slytherin, they were on his side, marching him through the crowds of people. He was pleased they had wrote him, they would be so excited to meet Padfoot.

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