Chapter two

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Harry was sitting in the Great Hall amongst his friends and classmates. He was eager to hear who had been declared the Triwizard Champions. They'd just called Cedric's name, and Harry breathed a sigh of relief, every Halloween something seemed to happen to him and he was waiting for it to all go wrong again.

He'd relaxed too soon though, his name had just been called. He froze. He hadn't done this, he hadn't put his name in. He felt Hermione shove him towards the headmaster. His feet felt like lead, he shakily stood and followed where the headmaster had pointed. He could hear the cries of 'cheater' and 'he's not even 17.'
Why was it always him?

He entered the room where the rest of the contestants had gathered. They looked at him confused, when the teachers and ministry officials entered behind him.

Meanwhile in the great hall, the great doors had banged open with a loud clang. A female with short brown hair stormed in, clutching papers in her hand. Students and teachers stood to look at her.

"Where the hell is my nephew?!" She spoke loudly and firmly.

Professor McGonagall stood, approaching the young woman. She seemed to recognise her, leading her towards the room that the champions were gathered in.

As the two women entered the room, Barty Crouch spoke.

"The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a magical binding contract. Mr Potter has no choice-"

"NO CHOICE?! I beg your pardon Crouch but my nephew will be competing in no such thing. For one, he is a MINOR which means he cannot consent to any magical contract and two, as I am his magical guardian and have not permitted him to compete, then your bloody binding contract is void!"

"You? You are his guardian?" Crouch asked.

"As of today, the court has finally agreed that under the guardianship of Dumbledore and his muggle relatives my nephew has been put at great risk and danger. They have granted him to be placed in my care as his last living magical relative as he should have been when my brother died!"

"Ms Potter, I can assure you that your nephew is safest with his aunt and uncle." Dumbledore addressed her.

"It's not up for discussion Albus." She turned to face Moody. Something was off about him, he didn't smell like her Uncle Moody. As she looked closer, she moved her hand and could see a sickly green glow form around him. He wasn't Uncle Moody.

"Stupefy! Incarcerous!"  She shouted pointing her wand at Moody. He dropped to the ground.

"That is NOT Alastor Moody! Someone is using Polyjuice!"
As she spoke, she caught movement in the corner, where Barty Crouch was standing. He had a deep red glow around him.

"Finite incantatum!" She said pointing her wand at him. She seen the red glow fade to purple. "He has been under the imperious curse. I am calling Amelia."

No one else seemed to move, they were staring at the woman before them. She moved towards the floo, calling for the head of the DMLE. Moments later, Amelia Bones, Tonks and Kingsley came through the floo.

"Cassie, what's going on?" Amelia looked around the room, seeing one male on the ground who looked like Moody.

"Someone is impersonating Moody with polyjuice and Barty Crouch has been under imperious. I shall leave you to investigate, we are leaving now."

She turned to Harry, who had remained frozen staring at the woman who had implied she was his fathers sister.

"Harry, come along, Padfoot and Moony are awaiting us at home." Harry seemed to unglue from where he stood, upon hearing his godfathers name, he followed her.
They walked out the doors and into the great hall, where all the students were still gathered and awaiting news. As they got the the front, Cassie stopped, Harry walking into her.

She cleared her throat and then spoke loudly.
"For everyone's information, my nephew did not enter himself into this Merlin be damned tournament and he will not be participating. Professor Moody has been impersonated by someone else and Barty Crouch has been under the imperious curse. I suggest you all write to your parents and request they pull you out of this ridiculous excuse for a school. Now Harry take a hold of my arm and we shall apparate home." She finished, holding her arm out to him.

Someone stood at the end of the hall. Harry thought it looked like Hermione.

"You can't apparate out of Hogwarts!" They shouted out.

"Ah yes perhaps for you but given that I am Lady Gryffindor, you'll find I can." She held her hand in the air, clearly showing the golden ring encrusted with red rubies.
Harry took hold of her arm and they were gone.

They arrived in the middle of large hills, nothing around them for miles. Harry began to panic, when he heard a bark and noticed the large black dog running towards them. Followed by Remus, who was strolling towards him with a smile on his face.
Padfoot nudged his hand, when he went to pet him, he noticed a note in his mouth. He took it confused.

Potter Manor is located at Three Sisters, Glencoe.

He read it aloud, staring at the three gathered around him confused when suddenly a large manor appeared before him. It looked to have been built in the Middle Ages but with some modern touches added later. There was turrets and stain glass window. It was beautiful.
Padfoot nudged him towards the house, and everyone followed behind. When they entered the house, Padfoot changed into Sirius. Harry lunged at him, hugging him. Sirius hugged him back, patting him.

"Sirius? What is going on? Who is this woman?" Harry spoke, confusion lingered in his words.
"Harry this is your Aunt Cassiopeia Potter. She is your fathers twin, and the love of my life. We have lots to explain to you and we hope you will give us time to do so. Why don't we go into the lounge and have a chat okay?"

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now