Chapter twenty seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Time had worn on and before the household of Potter Manor knew it, it was time for the Yule Ball, well the ball was for Harry, for the adults it was time for a heist under Dumbledore's nose. Sirius had taken Harry to be fitted for custom dress robes the week before. Cassie was using some of her uncle Monty's hair potion to attempt to control his hair. When she was done, it was time for to get herself ready. Holding with her ancestry, Cassie had opted to wear a long mermaid dark red gown that was adorned with light gold embroidered flowers. Cassie styled her hair with loose curls and added some golden eyeshadow to her lids and a nude lipstick. Sirius had decided to wear entirely black fitted dress robes adorned with the Black crest. Once Cassie was ready she walked into the lounge to meet her boys. Sirius stood as soon as she entered. He felt his breath catch in his throat and heart felt like it would leap out of his chest.

"Wow! You look incredible." He gasped out.

"Yeah Cas. Sirius is totally punching with you, why did you ever entertain my stupid brother?" Regulus said laughing.

Cassie laughed before hitting Regulus' arm.

"Aw Reg, what can I say, he swept me off my feet, literally. You don't look so bad yourself Sirius. Now lets go." She replied

Regulus was going to be under the cloak in the Shrieking Shack where they would meet him to pass him the horcrux to take home. Cassie took a hold of Regulus and apparated him directly into the shack before heading back to collect her boys. The trio arrived at the doors of the great hall where Minerva met them.

"Good evening to you all. Harry I will take you along to meet with Ms Granger. I will see you both back in the hall shortly, feel free to reminisce the halls of your old stomping grounds." She said before walking off with Harry.

The pair glanced at each other before heading straight for the 7th floor corridor. They paced outside the room 3 times asking for the room where it is hidden. Eventually a door appeared in the wall before them. The couple glanced at each other briefly before entering. They split up as they wondered around the multiple shelves and stacks. Cassie wondered along, looking at all the items that had gathered in the room over the years. Eventually she stopped at an old bust, her ring had flashed black when she went to walk past it. She called for Sirius, who joined her not long after.

"Have you found it?" He asked.

"I think so, watch my ring." She waved her hand across the old bust and the box.

"It flashed black."

"Yeah. I wonder what is in this box." She reached her hand and opened the box. She gasped. They had found the horcrux. She placed the diadem in the bag she was carrying, she had cast an undetectable extension charm on the bag earlier in the evening. The box disappeared inside. They left the room and wondered down towards the old passageway that would take them down to the shack.

Regulus was pacing the floor. He was certain his spell worked and that the diadem was here but he couldn't help worry. He heard footsteps and flung the cloak over him, just incase it was someone else.

"Reg, we got it." Sirius and Cassie appeared before him. He lowered the cloak as he watched Cassie take the box out of her bag and hand it to him. She then took his arm and apparated them back home.

"Bloody hell Cas, you coulda warned me." He spluttered out.

"Yes well time is of the essence Reg, I have to get back for ball. You will take it to the goblins?" she asked.

"Of course I will. I'm heading there now."

"Okay, stay safe. I have to go."

Harry had arrived in the Gryffindor dorm with McGonagall all too quickly for his liking. He was nervous, he hadn't been back since Halloween. He spotted the twins as soon as he walked in.

"HARRYKINS!" They shouted.

"Hey guys! You all packed?" he asked.

"Yeah, we've got everything." Just as he was about to speak again, Hermione had appeared. She was wearing a periwinkle blue dress and her hair was up. She looked lovely.

"Harry!" She exclaimed as she lunged at him for a hug.

"Hermione, you look lovely." He replied.

"Thank you. I like your robes, very Gryffindor." She laughed.

"Shall we?" Harry held his arm out and Hermione took it.

When they arrived at the great hall doors, they ran into Cassie and Sirius.

"Hermione, you look beautiful." Cassie said.

"Thank you Ms Potter."

"Please call me Cassie. Now shall we go in children."

As they walked inside, Sirius and Cassie shared another look. The previous evening, they had spoken about the letter Harry had received from the twins. Cassie was outraged at Molly Weasley behaving to callously towards her sons. They had agreed that they would offer the boys a home with them until they graduated and that they would be taken to the Burrow this evening to collect their belongings should they chose to do so.

They wondered around the room for a while. Students were pointing at them both and whispering. Cassie knew it was about Harry and her relationship to him. Sirius asked her to dance and they danced for a few songs before spotting the twins.

"Pardon me gentleman, may we have a chat?" Sirius asked.

"Uh yeah sure, if this is about us coming to stay for Christmas, we don't have to, it's okay, we can just stay here." One of them said.

"It is about that but that's not actually what we are going to say. C'mon lets go somewhere quieter." Cassie said, she could feel her rage bubbling in her chest at the sadness the boys had shown.

The boys followed the two adults out of the Great Hall towards McGonagall's classroom. 

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now