Chapter eight

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Chapter Eight

When they arrived home Tippy was waiting on them in the kitchen. She was bouncing from foot to foot, her big bat-like ears folded down.

"Mistress! Masters! Oh Tippy worries, Tippy be thinking you's going to be in danger. Tippy has dinner in the oven, it won't be long. Sit." She said her big eyes welling with tears.

"Tippy could Harry have something small and quick? He is very tired it was has been a long day." Cassie asked. Tippy nodded and within moments a plate with a sandwich and some crisps were plated for him. Harry sat down to eat it whilst the adults went into the lounge to discuss some of the events of the day.

Sirius explained to Cassie what he and Reg had instructed Gringotts to do when they had their meeting. Cassie had taken some of it but she had been worried about Harry she could barely process everything.

"Sirius, do you think we should reach out to Remus?" She asked.

"I'm not sure where Moony went, I haven't seen him or spoken to him. You can try though?" he said.

"Okay I will head out to find him tomorrow. I'm gonna go check on Harry."

Harry was very slowly eating his sandwich, he hadn't felt this tired since the Dursley's had starved him in his second year. Thinking of his second year made him think of Ron and the rest of the Weasleys. Just as he was about to finish his last sandwich, his Aunt Cassie had come to sit beside him.

"Hey Harry, how you feeling?" she asked.

"Hi Cassie, I'm okay" he replied softly.

"I'd be surprised if you were okay bud, you've had a lot to process and i'm sure you are missing your friends." she replied.

"I-I can't really think about it though, I just have to keep going. That's what Dumbledore has always said. I miss my friends but I'm used to not always seeing them. I'm usually with Aunt Petunia for weeks on end without anyone."

"I need you to listen to me bud, I don't care what Dumbledore always told you, you do not need to keep going. You are allowed to take time to process how you are feeling. If you are scared or worried you can feel it. Until you are old enough to have your own place, whilst you are under my roof, you are allowed to miss your friends and you are allowed to ask to see them."

"I can have my friends over?" He asked surprised.

"Of course you can. This is your home, as long as you trust your friends, you can always have them over."

"Oh! I've never had my friends over before. I- uh, I'm usually locked in my room in the summer until I'm allowed to go to the Burrow."

"They locked you in your room? How did you get any food bud or use the bathroom?"

"Um I. Well I had a cat flap on the door and they would put my food through it and Aunt Petunia would let me out twice a day for the toilet. I was fine, it was okay." He rushed out the end of the sentence.

"Oh bud I am so sorry you were in that house for so long. I promise I tried to find you." She replied.

"It's okay at least in second year I got Dudley's second bedroom. It's not your fault."

"Second bedroom? He had two? Where did you sleep before that then?"

"My Hogwarts letter was addressed to the cupboard under the stairs."

"It was what? Is that where you slept then?"

Harry nodded his head.

"Okay bud, you are never going back to that house. Not once, not ever. I don't care what Dumbledore says, you are safe here, right next to me. It will be over my dead body before you ever see those people again, alright?"

"I don't? But Dumbledore says I have to stay there for a short while each summer."

"No sweetheart, you are not going back there. No one can find this house, it is unplottable. It is not listed on any Ministry records and you can't find it unless Sirius gives you the address."

"Oh. I thought I'd have to go back there. I know you and Sirius said that I was staying with you both but I thought Dumbledore would be able to overrule you."

"I am your Paternal blood Aunt and Godmother alongside Sirius as your Godfather. No one is overruling that, you are under my care and I overrule Dumbledore Harry. This is permanent."

Harry gave no warning before he shot of his chair and lunged into Cassie's arms wrapping his arms around her waist.

Cassie gasped before wrapping her arms around him and holding him tightly. Before she knew it they had both began crying. She thought they'd been there for hours when Sirius found them.

He watched as Cassie held his godson tightly in her arms rubbing soothing circles on his back. He walked towards them and wrapped his arms around them. He held them for a moment.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

They both nod their heads before Harry lets go, wishes them goodnight and heads for his bed.

Cassie relays some of the conversation to Sirius. He is distraught that Harry thought he wouldn't be staying with them. He held Cassie closer whilst she sobbed into his arms. He wanted to make it all better for her. His mind had been all over the place since he had escaped Azkaban but when he put his family ring on his finger, it felt like the family magics were healing him. He felt like his mind was getting clearer as each hour passed. He needed his mind to be healed if he was going to be able to stand strong in the Wizengamot and support his fiancee as best he can. After sometime Cassie let him go, she gave him a quick kiss before going into the lounge to Regulus.

Regulus' emotions were all over the place after today, he had taken the heir ring and he had finally helped his big brother. It had felt like a lifetimes worth of pain was finally being healed. He would stand by his side for the rest of his life. He just needed to decide in what form that would be. Lost in his train of thought he hadn't heard Cassie come into the room.

"Reg? I need you to come with me, we have somewhere to be. I can't let Sirius do this with me, it has to be you."

Reg looked at his sister in law and saw clear determination in her eyes. He also saw something a little darker in her face.

He stood and joined her. "Where are we going?"

Cassie looked him in the eye, took a hold of his arm and then answered. "4 Privet Drive." Then they twisted and were gone.

Cassie Potter - Lady GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now