Chapter one

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Deep in the hills of Glencoe, a ragged male with straggly black hair was stood outside an old manor. Inside the manor, the sleeping female awoke with a start, when a little pale being with large floppy ears popped into her bedroom.

"Mistress Cassie! Mistress Cassie! Someone be at the door!" Wailed the small being.

The female scrambled out of her bed, she was rushing to get downstairs to the door. Her heart racing, he'd finally come, she'd waited since the news broke of his escape from Azkaban and finally he was here. She was going so fast she slid right into the front door.

"Sirius?! Is that you?" She spoke hurriedly.

"Cass, oh Cass. I thought you'd left here, it's me."

"How did you propose to me?"

The man laughed before answering. The bark of his laugh, made her stomach flip.
"I took you out on Beverly, and we flew threw the Glen. I told you that I never expected to find someone who loved me for more than my surname, that I never expected I was worthy of anyone's love and then you slammed into me on the train, looking up at me with the most beautiful hazel eyes and I knew then I was smitten. I asked you to marry me and then Beverly had a minor issue and then she started to fall from the sky and when you grabbed a hold of me I dropped the ring. By the time I got her under control we were miles from where I'd dropped it and you just-" he broke off half laughing half sobbing, "you just Accio'd it right back into your hand."

The female was sobbing hard now and she pulled the door open and launched herself into his waiting arms. The diamond ring still on her finger sparkled against the moonlight. Sirius clung to her, disbelieving that he was here after all these years back in her arms.

"Mistress, are you alright? Would you like Tippy to banish the dirty man?" The little elf squeaked.

Cassie laughed. "Sirius this is Tippy, Tippy this is my fiancé Sirius Black. He's innocent Tippy, remember all the meetings I've been having over the years with the Wizengamot? It was in part for him."
Tippy nodded her little head, eyes filling with tears of joy for her mistress.

"Meetings?" Sirius asked.

It was then that Cassie realised they were still in the doorway and it was cold up in the hills of the Glen. She ushered him inside and closed the door.

"I think we have plenty of time to chat, go for a shower and I'll make some food. Tippy will you take Sirius upstairs and show him his clothes and the bathroom?"
"Tippy does as Mistress wants. Come Master Sirius, Tippy has kept your clothes free of doxy's and I will start the shower for you so it be nice and warm." The little elf bounced before pulling Sirius away.

Cassie went over to the breakfast bar and sat down. She was still in shock, he was here and it had been so long, she had in truth put off explaining everything to him for fear he would be upset at her failure to get him or Harry free. She sat staring at the wall for a little, before snapping out of it, taking a deep breath and beginning to make some toasted cheese.

She had just finished plating it and filling a pot of tea, when Sirius descended the stairs. She looked up, meeting his eye, it was then she got a good look at him. His hair was longer than it had been when she'd last saw him, his cheeks were gaunt and hollow, his robes hung loosely around his shoulders. He was still as handsome but the years in prison hadn't been kind to him.

Sirius stared into her eyes, the years had been kind to her. Her beautiful long brown hair had been cut to her shoulders. Her pyjamas hugged her curves in all the right places. She still made his heart race.

"Oh smells good. I am starving, eating out of bins just doesn't fill you up any." He said, as if proving the point his stomach grumbled.

"Bins? Oh Sirius why didn't you come here sooner?"

"Well I tracked Harry's scent and found he wasn't with you. I couldn't leave him." he said, staring hard at her.


"Oh? That's all you say? Why wasn't he with you? He doesn't even know you exist?" He demanded.

Cassie couldn't hold it back any longer, the tears poured from her eyes without her permission. Through tears, she explained that she had tried to get custody but somehow Dumbledore had taken Harry and wouldn't tell her where he'd taken him. She's tried to track him, she'd done everything she could think of. She even got to Privet Drive but much like the muggle-repelling charm, she forgot why she was there and left. She tried to send him letters but they'd return undelivered. In between trying to get Harry into her care, she'd taken up the fight to get him a trial. She was adamant that he hadn't betrayed her brother, that he was innocent and that somehow they'd made a mistake. In the end she'd been threatened with Azkaban herself, as a potential death eater sympathiser. She'd had to stop or neither of them would be here to fight for Harry.

Sirius gathered her in his arms, and let her cry herself hoarse. He was filled with many emotions, the main one being anger at what had been done to his family, and overwhelming love for the woman before him who'd fought so hard for him that she'd nearly risked herself. It was time to work together, they'd find a way to get Harry.

When she'd told him all she could of her fight for Harry, she'd gone into detail of her fight for him. Back in 1979, she'd been Regulus' confidant and had actively helped him fake his death and flee the country. Sirius had fought with her for weeks prior during and after it had happened. When she'd exhausted all her own avenues, she'd reached out to Regulus. He'd helped where he could, she'd told Sirius. He was surprised his little brother had gone to any trouble to help him, he had never been convinced of where Reggie's heart lay but maybe Cass had been right all along.

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