Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

Cassie was staring at the photo of her brother and sister in law that had sat on her bedside table for the past 13 years. For the first year after they had died and Sirius had been taken to prison, she had sat every night crying over the photo and talking to her brother. She had never pictured her life without him in it, quite literally from conception he had been by her side. Her twin, the other half of her had been gone for so long and now she was trying to raise his fourteen year old son in his place. She was just about to pick it up and talk to it again like that first year when Harry came into the room. She looked up to see an excited face staring back at her.

Harry had left his godfather and his brother chatting in the lounge whilst he went to find his Aunt. Even thinking such words still left him in shock, for so long the only person he'd referred to as Aunt was Petunia. He had excitedly walked into his Aunt's room to find her staring at a photo of his parents. She looked like she had been crying. He didn't know what to do to make her feel better, he knew how sad not having his parents in his life made him, he couldn't imagine how sad everyone else who had actually known them felt. They at least had something to miss, something concrete to miss. Harry just had everyone else's memories of them to miss. It was a different kind of a pain and sadness, he thought.

"Hey Haz, did you find Sirius? Does he know if they had portraits made?" she asked wiping under her eyes, pretending she was okay.

"Um, he wasn't sure, he remembered talking to my dad about it once but he doesn't know if they actually done it. He reckoned the wills might tell us?" He replied.

"Oh well the wills were sealed by Dumbledore, he had held an emergency Wizengamot meeting quickly after Sirius was imprisoned and had them seal them. He went over my head. I'm not sure how we go about unsealing them Harry, I've never thought about it, I was too focused on getting Sirius free and getting you back."

"Oh well Sirius thought maybe Gringotts might have them, he said we could go and ask?"

"Sure bud, give me a minute and I'll get ready okay?"

"Aunt Cass, you okay? We can go another day." He said softly.

"I've put this all off long enough Haz, I'm okay don't worry."

Harry smiled at his Aunt and left into the lounge to wait for her. Cassie went to the bathroom to wash her face and get herself organised. She joined the boys in the lounge not long after. Sirius took Harry by apparition whilst Cassie went herself. Reggie was staying behind, it wasn't his place. When they arrived at Diagon Alley, they spotted Remus Lupin up ahead, watching the Alley. Harry took off to meet him, followed by Sirius and Cassie.

"Professor!" Harry shouted.

Remus looked up at the shout, he had been caught off guard to see who was walking towards him. He was hear on Dumbledore's orders which might cause problems with Cassie. He knew she was unhappy with their headmaster but he didn't understand why.

"Moony! Where have you been?" Sirius asked jovially.

"Dumbledore asked me to round up old friends." He replied noting that both Sirius and Cassie stiffened next to him.

"Oh, well in that case, come along Harry we best get going." Cassie spoke, putting her arm around harry in a protective way to guide him away from Remus.

"Cassie wait-." Remus spoke quickly but was cut off by Sirius.

"She will be continuing on with Harry Moony, as will I once I ask what on earth is wrong with you?!" Sirius spoke firmly, his eyes hard.

"What do you mean Sirius? You know Dumbledore wanted to gather us all again, he spoke to you about it at the start of the summer."

"Yes he did, I instead chose to go and find my fiancée Remus, something you are aware of, given that you were there when we collected Harry. You know Cassie doesn't trust him."

"I know that Padfoot but I don't understand why!" He said exasperated.

"She has many reasons Remus, one being that he left Harry to abusive muggles and hid him from her. He had no right to do so. Let me make this clear Moony, you are my oldest friend but they are my family, Dumbledore and Voldemort threaten that. So if you are on either of their sides then you are a danger to my family as they are. I would like to include you in my family Moons but not whilst you continue to play errand boy to a meddling old man." With that Sirius turned on his heel and left him standing there.

Remus was shocked, he couldn't understand why they wouldn't work with Albus, he had done so much for him. He would need to think about it, if need be he would try to convince his friends to talk to Albus. For now though he would let them cool off.

Meanwhile Cassie, had guided Harry to the bank whilst he asked her what was wrong with Remus.

"Look bud, I will explain when we get home alright, let's just do what we came here for." She told him. Sirius wasn't long before he joined them too. By his face, it hadn't gone well with Remus. They entered the bank and made a request to speak to Pozaxe if he was available.

They met the Potter account manager in his office moments later. Cassie allowed Harry to speak with him about why they were here.

"We would like to see my parents wills and we were wondering if you have a copy at the bank?" Harry asked.
"Ah, the wills were sealed however, under the old family laws, they can be unsealed by the closest living magical relative, which would be your Aunt and you, Mr Potter."

"Can we do that then please?"

"Of course, allow to me to fetch them."

Pozaxe left to collect the wills and the trio waited eagerly for his return. Harry had nerves settling in his stomach.

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