Now that she was here, he wanted her to stay. She was quiet for a while, but the smallest sound of her sniffling had him looking up to see a tear running down her cheek. "Why are you crying?"

Caleb's voice startled Charlotte and she looked up to see him staring at her. Her skin heated under his dark gaze, her body seeming to know instantly when his attention was on her. It both excited and annoyed her.

"I'm fine, Alpha. I apologize for disturbing you." Not that she'd made any noise, but she did feel like she was intruding.

"Obviously, you're not fine." He hadn't taken his eyes off of her.

"Just .. old memories." Charlotte stared straight ahead now, avoiding his gaze. "From a previous life."

"One you wish to go back to?" He already knew the answer but said it anyway.

"That's not possible." She'd give anything to go back, to have her family back.

"Because you're my slave now?" Caleb asked. He knew he was pushing her buttons. Part of him wanted to see the fiery side of her again.

"Because they're gone," she said bitterly.

Caleb stopped then, realizing he'd pushed too far. He remained quiet for a while, staring up at the sky himself. It really was a lovely night. If things were different, he'd be sitting next to her with his arm wrapped around her waist, looking up at the sky with her.

Instead, he was stuck with a human he didn't want, who had turned out to be a mate he didn't want and who he couldn't get out of his mind, even though he mostly tried to avoid her.

Now she was sitting here near him and he was keenly aware that she wasn't wearing anything. He'd been so angry yesterday with her and Aydan. That was something he still wanted to get to the bottom of.

He opened his eyes back up and looked over at her. She had hers closed now, and there was no more signs of tears. He slipped across the water, and sat down next to her, purposely brushing his thigh against hers.

Charlotte hadn't even been aware that Caleb had moved until his thigh brushed hers, startling her. "Alpha, may I help you?"

"I'd like to finish our conversation from yesterday." He settled back next to her on the seat, knowing he was making her uncomfortable.

She moved so that her thigh wasn't touching his. "I wasn't aware that the conversation wasn't over."

"Oh it was far from over," Caleb moved closer again.

Charlotte gulped, remembering his words from yesterday. What will you do for me? She still wasn't sure what he was talking about.

"We were discussing your bedroom activities with Lord Aydan," Caleb reminded her.

Was he saying what she thought he was saying???? "Alpha, I don't know what you are referring to."

"What else did he do besides spank you?" Caleb asked.

"Nothing, Alpha. I'm not sure what you're implying." Charlotte was lost. One minute he'd made the accusation that she'd bedded Aydan, even though he knew for a fact that she hadn't, and the next he was talking about him spanking her.

Caleb felt annoyed. Why couldn't she just answer the question? She was always coy with him and it annoyed him to no end. "Did you enjoy being spanked by Alpha Aydan?"

"What?" Why would she enjoy that? Was he insane?

Suddenly, Caleb was right in front of her. He pushed her legs apart and was between them before she was aware of what was happening, his face inches from hers.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now