Compare to American troops, they were badly equipped as their sole purpose is for scouting. The sound of wind getting chop suddenly come around and the troops didn't knew what it was, it getting closer and closer until it's passed over their head. How something like that could fly? Many questioned. It didn't attack them whatsoever, it the Huey carrying wounded American man.

"Look, the enemie's camp is just below us"

"No, we will not drop on them. Just let the platoon deal with them alright" pilot replies.

The news about the destruction of Maraya railroad spread like wild fire across Parpaldia.. but the news about American citizen that was captured from Alaska did not reach Washington yet. It's been 5 days since Parpaldia landing on Alaskan shore and they've been driven off by the national guard, 300 innocent American was captured in the incident and has been brought to mainland of Parpaldia.

Location: Greater Esthirant, Parpaldia empire, Third Civilized Area
28th August, 1632, 11:20 AM

Petton check his room for any gear or hidden spying tools. After he done, he went for his suitcase and open it. Nothing, and then he took out a foam inside revealing Steven model 520/620. He was never comfortable without a gun near him, especially when he need to do his work in an alien world not sure if diplomatic immunity even existed here. Incase the marine arrive late on the scene he could be able to defend himself one way or another.

Unsurprisingly, he served during Korean war and 1 tours in Vietnam before he became a diplomat in 1971. His time in the army taught him one thing, 'don't trust your surroundings except yourself'.

"I didn't thought that this would be a time i need to relies on you" he mumbles as he put the foam back in and close the suitcase.

He was right about his feeling. Parpaldia 'peacekeeper' is on a hunt for him, with direct order from the first foreign affairs and of course Ludius's sibling, Remille. Beginning of an event called 'Bird hunting of Esthirant'. Petton pick up his stuff and then goes down the stair, many people greet him along the way.

"Hey, Mr.Petton? Where are you going?" One of the person ask.

"Nowhere" he replies and let out a dried laugh.

"..Alright, good luck then sir"

He come down to the receptionist and ask to change a room. Mostly because he know, if Parpaldian secret police come to him they would go for his old room unless thing did not goes as planned he would have to use the 12-guages. The receptionist even though, confused, they still complies with his request since as an emissaries he was given more chances than the commoners.

He walk to the room he was assigned and start checking the surrounding. The window lead to the outside, seeing no other escape route he start setting up a trap. He place a shelf near a window, push drawer against the door. Parpaldian 'peacekeeper' will not have an easy time with him.

The rescuing mission will start on 1st September. With the Marines, Green beret and newly trained rodenius troops. The victory is guaranteed all they could hope is that Petton can stay in hiding and not get captured first. Day turn to night, Petton pick up his steven shotgun and close the light of his room. he pushes his head against the floor and hear a couple of footsteps around along with some shouting and talking.

"Fuck! He not in that room! We wasted our time here!"

"Shut up! Don't get too loud!"

"I already asked the receptionist, he should be in this room" Sergeant said as he stop infront of particular door.

The light from the outside is blocked from their feets made Petton know that they're here. He ready his shotgun and wait for the moment.

"We got you surrounded! Step outside at once!" A shout came and the door was hit aggressively.

Summoning the Cold Rivalryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें