Chapter 32 [Final | Part 1]

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(A/N: I'm not sure how many Final parts there will be-

But I can say, that there's at least 3-!😅)

[Cody's POV]

-and look over to see... A PORTAL?!

Me and Noah sit up quickly, and look straight at each other, in a panic.

N: That's-?!

I nod, and we both turn our heads to look at it again.

N: Where did it come from?!

C: I don't know!?

N: What do we do?!?!

C: I- We should get away!!

I grab Noah's hand, and try to get up, but before I even get to stand up, we get sucked into the portal- In the little time I got to react, I wrapped myself around Noah, so he wouldn't get away from me.

After basically 5 seconds, our surrounding goes from a VERY bright light, being literally anything, in view, basically blinding us, to a darker surrounding, making our eyes need a bit, to get used to it, so we can see again. I let go, of what I would assume is Noah, and rub my eyes, to hopefully see where we are.

After a bit, my eyes adjust to the new place, and I blink looking around. It's Home World... Sh*t... This wasn't supposed to happen...! I think to myself, before realizing- NO! I rush over to Noah, in a panic.


I put my hand in front of his mouth. F*CK! HE CAN'T BREATHE!! WHAT DO I DO?!?! Before I could do anything else, Noah's opens his eyes, and pushes my hands off?!?!

N: Pwah- You got dirt on your hands- Don't put them in my mouth-!

I stare at him in shock, and he seems to notice, but doesn't seem to understand why-

C: You-

He looks at me confused.

N: Yep, I'm okay! Now where are we?

Noah gets up, and looks around.

N: Wha...

I rush over to him, grab him by the shoulders, and turn him to face me.

C: You're breathing!

I look at him in amazement, but also with a lot of happiness, since I thought he was gonna die... But he didn't! He's alive! He's breathing! Somehow-

N: Are we...

C: On Home World... Yeah...

C: But I'll get us back-! We'll find a way-! And since you are breathing, that surely means it'll be fine-!

[Noah's POV]

Cody looks extremely nervous and pretty scared, as he frantically looks around, looking for, what I would guess, is another portal, that could get us back. I slowly spin around, taking in everything. You really can see many stars, just general space, and even other planets, that I've never even seen, or heard of before... I suddenly feel something grabbing my hand, and turn around to see Cody, being the one, who's grabbing it. He quickly, before I can react, start dragging me a certain way. No idea why that way, but he definitely would know this place better than me, so yeah-

N: Got a plan...?

Cody turns his head, to look at me, but while still keeping an okay pace.

C: No... But I'll figure something out...! Trust me...!

N: I trust you.

I give him a soft smile, and he gives me one back. I can tell that he's REALLY nervous, and probably panicking a lot more, than what he tries to show... I just don't know what to do... I wanted to protect Cody... But now I'm just pathetically being dragged, along a weird new planet, that I know nothing about... I trust Cody, with my entire soul and being! But it's hard feeling like I can't do anything, when he's clearly scared...

Cody proceeds to drag me along, for quite a while, walking very straight, like he know's every inch of where we are, and knows the exact position, of where our "destination" is, when suddenly he stops. I bump into him, because of his sudden stop, but luckily I don't knock him over, or anything!

N: Why did you stop? You okay...?

Cody suddenly fall to his knees?!


I quickly run up in front of him, crouch down in front of him, and grab his hands in mine. He slowly looks up at me, with tears in his eyes.

C: I can't...

N: Can't what?! I-I'm here to help you! You know that! Right??

He tries to flash me a smile, but he fails, and starts sobbing. I hug him tightly, hoping to calm him down.

N: Shhhh...

N: Talk to me, when you're ready...

He sobs for a bit, then wipes his tears and sniffles a bit.

C: I-I gotta talk to my parents...! But I-I can't...! I...

N: It'll be fine! Either way I'm breathing here, so you have much more time, to get ready, if that's what you think, is what we should do! I'm here with you, and I'm not leaving! So let's just, sit here and relax a bit! Sounds good?

I smile at him, and he smiles back, while still sniffling a bit, and nods.

We sit there, next to each other, his head on my shoulder, and us together, looking up at the beautiful sky, space-?? Whatever you wanna call it! For quite a bit. Not sure how long, but I didn't mind either way. It was comfortable and nice, and everything feels so unsure, and uncontrollable right now, so siting here and being able to just relax with Cody, feels like such a blessing...

 It was comfortable and nice, and everything feels so unsure, and uncontrollable right now, so siting here and being able to just relax with Cody, feels like such a blessing

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I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

N: Cody.

C: Yeah?

N: You know I love you, and that means no matter what happens, I'll do everything in my power to always be here, right by your side. So you don't need to worry about what your parents will say or do. I won't be leaving you. No matter what. And yes, that means even if I'll have to stay here!

I chuckle a bit, and turn my head, to see Cody staring at me, wide, tearing up eyes, mouth shaking like he's on the verge of tears. He jumps at me, into a big hug. I hug him back tightly, and start to feel his tears dripping onto me. I love this guy~ This silly little Alien~ My Lonely Alien~

[Words: 1052]

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