Chapter 12

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[Cody's POV]

The movie was so much fun! Is was kinda scary though- The fight scenes were so nerve racking! But they had their happily ever after in the end! It was so interesting and exciting! And talking to the others, laughing, and just overall having fun with everyone, was so fun and amazing! After the movie ended, Owen and Noah went to pick up all the snack bags, that were now empty.

C: Can I help too?

Owen and Noah turn to me.

O: Of course buddy! Can you take these bags?

Owen hands me some of the empty bags, and I gladly take them. Owen and Noah then lead me into the kitchen, and we throw away the empty bags. We head back afterwards, and go sit down in our spots again.

O: Wanna play a game??

C: Yes!

I say excitedly. I'm not sure what the game is supposed to be, but I'm sure it would be super fun! Owen pull out some dark weird thingys (A/N: Controllers) And hands one to me.

O: Anyone else wanna play??

He looks around, at the others.

G: Nope.

E: No thanks.

I: I'd like to watch!

N: I'd prefer to watch too.

Owens shrugs, and turn on the tv. (A/N: They have tv's on Home World, so Cody knows what it is!) He pulls up, what I would guess is the game, on the tv, and prepares it for us to play. When he got it ready, he started explaining the rules, what it was about, and how to play it! It sounds very interesting! I'm really excited now! After I was all caught up on how it works, we started playing! I wasn't that good, but it was my first time-! Either way, we all had a bunch of fun! We would all laugh, at all the stupid mistakes I made, but they never laughed AT me, and they never made me feel stupid for it! They were all really helpful and nice about it! And gave me a BUNCH of advice, since I wasn't that good-

 When he got it ready, he started explaining the rules, what it was about, and how to play it! It sounds very interesting! I'm really excited now! After I was all caught up on how it works, we started playing! I wasn't that good, but it was my fir...

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(A/N: This drawing took a total of 6 hours and 36 minutes-
So I hope you all like it! xP

Also I have BASICALLY no experience, drawing plus-sized bodies-
But I think (and hope!) Owen turned out well! ^^
(Also I can't draw backgrounds to save my life- So please don't judge me-))

After perhaps 2 hours(-?), Owens turns off the game and stands up.

O: You all staying for dinner??

Everyone said yes and or nodded.

O: I'll go heat up the frozen pizza's! You guys can just do whatever, while you wait!

Owen then went away, into the kitchen, to put the pizza's in the oven, and heat them up!

"My Lonely Alien" - [Noco] || [Alien Cody AU]Where stories live. Discover now