Chapter 30

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[Noah's POV]

We all just keep talking, and I get to know these new guys, that Cody befriended. They seem okay, so I don't think there's anything to worry about. If anything, I should worry about myself, since I'll have to keep siting with Duncan, every one of those classes- I'll survive though. Just hope he gets over the push, before next class I have with him-

The bell soon enough rings, and we all head to our separate classes. Me and Cody get to talk a bit more throughout class, but else nothing special happened.

The rest of the day go by really normally too. And Cody and I head home together afterwards, like usual.

It's been 6 days since he came, and there's been no sign of a portal, or anything supernatural... I wonder what will happen... I mean, something is bound to happen... Right...?

[Cody's POV]

Noah seems a bit out of it, ever since our walk home... I wonder what's bothering him... I mean, he's still been nice and hanging out with me, doing nice things, but he seems a bit concerned and unsure about something... I should ask him about it... Right after I finish up in the bathroom-!

I finish, wash my hands, and walk out into Noah's room again.

C: Um Noah...

N: Yeah?

I walk over and sit down on the bed, next to him, as he's laying back on his pillow, that is moved up agains the wall.

N: Is something wrong??

C: No no! I mean, not with me!

He looks at me confused.

C: You seem a bit... Off...?

He looks pretty surprised.

N: I am so sorry! I didn't mean to worry you! It's nothing really! I promise you I'd tell you, if it were important!

I'm still interested in what's bothering him, because I'm sure there is something! But I won't pry, since he seems to not wanna talk about it, at least not for now. I lean closer to him, snuggling up to him, and we start watching tv together.

[Noah's POV]

It seems Cody realized, that I was a little... Off... I really didn't mean to worry him! I don't want him to worry! It's really nothing important either way! Nothing seems to be happening... So I don't know why I'm worrying... It's really nothing...! I should just stop thinking about it-! I wrap my arm around Cody, and start playing with his hair. He snuggles in a bit closer, and closes his eyes. He's so cute~ I love him so much~

We lay there, watching random shows, and movies together, for hours, snuggling up to each other, and me playing with Cody's hair. It's really nice, I even think Cody fell asleep, a few times throughout us watching all the random stuff! But then Cody looks up at me and says-

C: Noah.

N: Yeah?

C: I'm sorry, if I did something to bother you!

N: You didn't! Don't apologize...

C: Can I know what was bothering you than...?

I let out a big sigh, and give him a soft smile, he just looks at me, waiting for an answer.

N: I'm just worried about how this whole portal thing works... You know... What if it suddenly appears...?? Or what if it never appears...!

C: I won't go through it either way! So don't you worry about it!

He says with a joking "angry" voice. I chuckle, and he does too.

N: But what about your parents than? Your not even gonna properly say goodbye to them?

I say, making the laughing die down a bit. Cody and I are still giggling a bit, but he responds.

C: Guess they'll have to look for a new son.

We both laugh. I hug him tight, and he hugs me back. We just lay there hugging for a bit, before we turn our attention back to the tv, and keep snuggling, while watching tv.

After a while more, mom calls us down for dinner. Dad has gotten home, so we all, but mostly me, introduce Cody. Dad seems to like Cody, which is a relief, and he starts telling us about work, and how everything has been going, for him and such! Cody especially seems really fascinated, by dads stories, and dad seems to love the interest Cody is showing, so that's perfect.

We all finish up our food, later than usual, but we all did talk A LOT, so it's fair enough. Cody and I help putting the plates and cutlery away, and after head back to my room.

The rest of the day, is spent playing games, talking, and watching tv, pretty basic, I know, but we enjoyed it. All that matters, is that we got to do it together.

We get ourselves ready for bed, and go to sleep.

[Words: 808]

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