Chapter 7

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[Noah's POV]

Mrs. A: Well hello! You must be the new student, correct?

C: Yup!

Cody smiles happily at her. And she softly smiles back.

Mrs. A: Well, what did you need Noah?

She smiles and looks over to me.

N: I was gonna ask if I could use your two first lessons, to show Cody around the school!

Mrs. A: Sounds like a wonderful idea! Here, let me get you a hall pass!

Mrs. Allen bends down, opens up her desk compartments, and searches through her stuff, to try and find a hall pass.

Mrs. A: Ah! Here!

Mrs. Allen stands up and walks over to us.

Mrs. A: This should do! It specifically says "Showing new student around"!

N: Wow, I didn't know you had specific hall passes-

Mrs. A: Makes sense, that you wouldn't know, since you never have to leave during class. All the hall passes have reasons on them! Just to make sure, that someone don't abuse it! Example, someone gets to go to the bathroom, and makes an excuse they can go to home to get something! You know, stuff like that!

N: Ooooh! Makes sense.

Mrs. A: Just make sure to make it back, to my class, when the class ends! I'm responsible for you two, and I gotta mark that you are safe and here!

N: Of course!

The bell then rings, and Mrs. Allen shoo's us out.

N: Where do you wanna start?

I say as I turn to Cody and smile.

[Cody's POV]

C: Where can we go??

I say excitedly as I grab onto Noah's hand, using both my hands. He lets out a soft chuckle.

N: Let's head this way.

He turn and points down a hallway. We spend the next two lessons, as he said, walking around the school, and Noah is showing me all sorts of new cool stuff, and rooms! We couldn't look into most rooms, since others had class, but some were free! I hope I didn't annoy him with all my questions, because I really did ask about everything! The last bit of the walk, Noah takes out his phone, looks at the time, and his eyes widen.

N: Sh*t- We gotta get back to Mrs. Allen's class! Class is about to end-

Noah tightens his grip, and swings around to head towards Mrs. Allen's class. He quickly speed walks, since we aren't allowed to run, in the hallways, to Mrs. Allen's classroom, and I try to keep up the pace as-well. The bell rings a bit before we get there, so all the other students has left the class, when we get there. Noah leads me inside.

N: We're here!

Mrs. Allen turns around and smiles at us.

Mrs: Did you run here?

She smirks.

N: Nope! Speed walked.

She lets out a laugh.

Mrs. A: Just glad you two are safe!

She crosses something off of a paper, on her desk. And looks back up at me.

Mrs. A: Looking forward, to getting to know you, Cody Anderson!

She smiles and we wave to her, as we head out.

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