Question for readers

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Hey! :D

I want to know, if you, as the reader, are enjoying how I write!

Specifically, I want to know, if you are enjoying, that I take a lot of time, explaining what's happening, and what everyone is feeling! And how because of that, the story becomes quite long, or at least longer!

I personally love going into detail, and I find it really interesting, and fun myself, but I still want to know, if you, as the reader, enjoy this writing style, or if you would personally prefer just getting to the point faster!

I'm gonna keep writing how I want, like and prefer, but I would still like to hear other's opinions, on the matter! ^^

Either way, I hope you are all enjoying the story!

And I hope you all have a nice day/night! <333


ALSO! Update on the Zombie Noah AU!

I've drawn the drawing, that I'm gonna use, as the cover!

I've drawn the drawing, that I'm gonna use, as the cover!

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And I've written down, the start of the story, as well!

But I'm only gonna start working on the story more, and publishing it, when this story, has come to an end!

(Not sure how long it will take, before I'm done with "My Lonely Alien", but I won't drag it out TOO much!!)

(Feel free to ask any questions, about "My Lonely Alien" or the Zombie Noah AU fanfic! I won't spoil the title yet though!)


Here's some blah's, because Wattpad is annoying-

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

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