Chapter 9

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[Cody's POV]

I was leaning over to Owen, as he whispering into my ear. It's kinda embarrassing to admit- But I wasn't asking for help with the work, I was asking more about Noah- I just really wanna learn more about him! And having someone who has known him for YEARS, right in front of me, is just too hard to pass up!

N: What are you two meat heads whispering about?

I turn to Noah, sitting up fast.

C: Nothing!

O: Yup, nothing!

Noah looks annoyed at us, and sighs.

N: Just do your work.

O: Yes sir!

Owen says, as he salutes. I start laughing a bit, and so does Owen. Noah just rolls his eyes in response, but I see a little smile on his face! We all go back to doing our work, and soon enough the class ends.

We all head out together and me and Owen start talking happily.

N: Owen, can I talk to Cody, privately, for a sec?

Noah asks as he grabs onto my wrist.

O: Sure buddy! I'll head to the cafeteria, to meet the others! You two just come when you're ready! We'll be at the same table!

Owen says as he waves, and walks towards the cafeteria. Before I can say anything Noah drags me to the nearest bathroom.

N: Sorry for suddenly dragging you out... But what happened with you and Owen, in class?

Noah says with a stern and serious expression. I don't like seeing him upset... Or is he more annoyed?? Mad?? I think he realizes I became a bit upset... Not at him! More of the thought of making him upset!

N: Look... I'm not mad. I'm just worried...

N: And I feel a bit left out...

N: Just... I care about you! And I want you to talk with me about it, if there's something wrong!

My eyes widen. Did he think I had some issues, and that what I was asking Owen, for help with?? My surprised and or shocked face, turned into a soft smile. Before he could do anything else, I wrapped my arms around him, and gave him a big hug.

N: Cody... Thanks...

Noah then softly hugged me back, kinda melting into the embrace. I'm really sorry that I made him worry, but being completely honest, knowing that this happened because of it, I don't regret it in the slightest- Though that feels kinda selfish to say...

Noah let's up the embrace, and steps back.

N: Let's head to the cafeteria to meet the others.

I wish we could just stay here hugging for the rest of eternity. But he's right, we gotta go! Also I like the others too, so I don't wanna leave them hanging.

Noah grabs and holds my hand, and we walk out the bathroom together. When we get to the cafeteria, we start heading towards the table.

[Noah's POV]

When we get close to the table, I hear a squeal, from you know who- F*ck. I totally forgot we are still holding hands- I quickly let go of Cody's hand, and we go sit down, same seating, but this time Owens out to the side, and me and Cody get to sit next to each other. Which I'm happy about-


N: Saw what-?

G: Yeah, what's up??

E: That squeal was pretty loud- You're gonna scare the entire cafeteria, if you keep it up-

"My Lonely Alien" - [Noco] || [Alien Cody AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora