Chapter 5

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[Cody's POV]

Noah let's out a sigh. He stands up and goes over to the mattress. Did I annoy him...

N: You want to share the bed?

He's not annoyed?!

C: Yes! I mean... If that's fine...!

N: Fine fine... If that's what you want.

He grabs the blanket, and folds it perfectly. He then stands back up, walks over to the bed and me, and gets in under the blanket with me. I'm really surprised he agreed to it! I mean it's nothing weird!! But... I mean my parents always said I was a "scaredy-cat" or to "grow-up"... He's so nice and understanding...

N: Can I ask you something...?

C: Um, of course!

I look at him a bit surprised.

N: Are you scared of sleeping alone...?

Oh... I think he figured me out...!

C: Kinda... I know it's weird...! I just-

N: No no, I get it! I'm glad you told me!

My eyes start tearing up uncontrollably... Gosh why does my body do this... He immediately picked up on it, and his eyes widened.

N: Oh my gosh! Are you okay??

I just start crying softly, trying to keep my voice down... I take my hands up to wipe away the tears, and cover my face. But basically just after I put my hands up, I feel something grabbing onto them. It was Noah... He grabbed my hands, pulled them down to his chest, and stared right into my eyes. I couldn't see him too clearly, because of the tears, but his expression was so soft, and sympathetic... I wanted to pull my hands away, to cover my face again. But at the same time, I wanted him to see me, I wanted him to comfort me... I... Before I could decide on anything, he let go of my hands, grabbed his arms around my body, and pulled me into a big embrace. I just started sobbing loudly, as he held me. Luckily nobody else, in the house, seemed to have heard it. I cried into his chest, as he was hugging me, and stroking my hair. I slowly drifted to sleep.

[Noah's POV]

He had finally stopped sobbing, and had fallen asleep... He's so soft... He makes me just wanna hold him close, and never let him go... I wanna protect him... I... I want him to stay... But I can't make him do that! He has to go back home... I just hope it's not soon... I slowly drift off to sleep aswell.

-As the two fully fall asleep, Cody turns back to normal-

(Now we finally get to the part, where the cover picture, is apart of the story, so I had to use it xP And yes, it's my drawing and @!)

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(Now we finally get to the part, where the cover picture, is apart of the story, so I had to use it xP And yes, it's my drawing and @!)

-The next day Noah wakes up first. Cody is still a bit wrapped around and laying over Noah-

Okay... How am I gonna get out of here without waking him up?? Or maybe I should wake him? How are aliens, with waking up early, and getting ready for school?? I turn a bit to check around my room, which I'm guessing, is what woke him up.

C: Mmhmm...

He stretches out, starts rubbing his eyes, and opens his eyes, staring directly at me.

N: Morning...!

C: Morning...!

We just kinda lay there, staring at each other, Cody is still laying with half of his body over me, so if I wanted to move, I'd have to move him first. It's kinda awkward, but also kinda strangely nice...? I kinda wanna stay here, cuddled up to him, but we REALLY gotta go!

N: So you getting up or no~?

I jokingly say to him, as I let out a little laugh. He FINALLY realises, that he's over me, and quickly moves. I get up, go to my closet, and pick out what to wear.

N: You still have your clothes, right?

(A/N: I want them to wear the same clothes, as they do in the show, so I gotta figure out a way that makes sense, for them to be wearing the same thing everyday-)

C: Uhhh- Yes-!

He looks taken out of a trance-? Anyway-! I find his clothes, and lay them on the bed, for him.

N: I'll go change, in my bathroom, so you can just change into yours here, when you're ready!

Cody nodded getting out of the bed. And I head into my bathroom. I get changed, brush my teeth, put on some deodorant and go over to the door. I knock softly.

N: You done?

C: Mhm!

I open the door and walk in. Cody's siting on the side of the bed, dangling his feet over the edge.

N: Do alien gotta brush their teeth as-well?

C: Oh yeah! But I don't really have anything with me-

I let out a sigh.

N: I have a spare one, for when mine has to be thrown out, you can just use that one!

Cody walks into the bathroom. I hear him stop, and see him peak his head out.

C: I don't know where it is-

He smiles awkwardly at me, showing his teeth. I get up and walk into the bathroom, to help him find it. I find it for him, and give him it, with the toothpaste.

N: You know how to use toothpaste, right?

I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

C: Yup!

Hey says excitedly with a big smile.

[Cody's POV]

Noah walks out, leaving me to brush my teeth. Human toothbrushes and paste, seem much the same, but let's just give it a go! I'm sure I can do it! I squeeze the toothpaste onto the brush, and go to brush my teeth. Immediately when the toothpaste hits my mouth, I instinctively spit it out. Luckily I spit it out into the sink- Noah rushes in looking scared.

N: Are you okay?? What happened??

C: I just wasn't expecting that flavor... Sorry...

Noah has a relived expression, and breathes out.

N: You scared me there, for a sec.

C: Sorry! I'll get it done, don't worry!

N: My younger sisters have milder toothpastes, if you would prefer that.

Noah nicely offers me, but I try to decline, since I don't wanna burden him more.

N: I insist. I'll go get it for you! Also you should turn back to "normal". Or you'll scare my whole family.

Noah laughs and rolls his eyes, leaving to get me the paste. I totally forgot about that! I can't hold the form in my sleep, it appears. So I gotta get that fixed, before we go down to eat! After a bit Noah steps back in, with the paste for me.

C: Thanks! You're the best!

I smile widely at him. He smiles back and goes back into his bedroom, to wait for me. I get my teeth brushed, and go out to meet him. And I obviously turn back to "Normal".

N: Ready to head down, and eat?

C: Yup!

[Words: 1169]

"My Lonely Alien" - [Noco] || [Alien Cody AU]Where stories live. Discover now