Chapter 3

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[Cody's POV]

No...! He can't leave me here...! All alone...
I fling myself onto him, and wrap my arms around him... I feel really bad about doing it, but I just couldn't control my body, the fear took over... He can't leave me here alone! It's dark and scary...! And I don't know where I am...! I don't know anything...! I'm just a stupid child...!

C: Please don't...

My voice is trembling... I feel a pat on my back...?

N: Hey... I... I'm sorry...

I soften, and my grip let's up. He holds me back a bit, so we're looking into each other's eyes.

N: I didn't mean to scare you... Can you tell me what I did, that triggered this reaction...?

We softly sit down on the grass, face to face, and I take a deep breath. I wanna tell him... He deserves the truth... But I don't want him to see me as a baby... I... No. He deserves the truth.

C: I... I don't like being alone... And it's scary here... I... I don't know... I couldn't control my body...!

His eyes soften and he gives me a soft smile, as he tilts his head a bit.

N: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... I'm... I'm not good at this whole comforting thing... And I'm not the best at being "nice"-

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, and quickly cut him off.

C: No no! You're very nice! And comforting... I'm glad you're here with me...!

I say as I softly smile and look to the side.

N: Thanks...

He reaches out and grabs my hand.

N: Now let's head to my house! My mom's gonna kill me-!

I don't want him to be killed!? Now I'm actually pretty scared and worried- But I didn't have too much time to react, before I was pulled all the way to, what I would guess, is his house.

N: Mom! I'm back!

As Noah yells it out, I tense up, scared of what's gonna come next.

N: Oh sh*t. You're green! I can't let mom see you-

Noah grips my hand tighter, and drag me through some doors, up stairs and into a room, he then shuts the door behind us.

N: Jeez dude, good thing no one saw you-

C: Why's that...? Do I look that bad...?

He bolts up and looks panicked.

N: No! You look great- I mean like you're green! You don't look human! And I don't know how my mom would react-

[Noah's POV]

I'm a little embarrassed- I hope he didn't pick up on the compliment... Or at least make it a big deal!

C: I think I should be able to look "Human"! All aliens have the power! I just haven't had to do it...

I tilt my head furrowing my eyebrows.

C: Give me a sec!

He closes his eyes, and seems to try and focus on something, but he opens his eyes, and catches me staring hard. His face flushes, I think I might have embarrassed him. I giggle a bit.

C: You can't look while I do it! It's embarrassing...!

I laugh a bit.

N: Wanna use my bathroom?

C: Yes, please!

I show him over to my bathroom! I luckily have my own private bathroom, which I can access through my room, so nobody will see him!

"My Lonely Alien" - [Noco] || [Alien Cody AU]Where stories live. Discover now