Chapter 21

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[Cody's POV]

I walk into the class, by myself, everyone's talking with their friends, and the situation finally dawns on me- I'm alone... No Noah... I don't know anyone... I thought this would have been easy...!

I won't give up though! It's just two lessons! I'll keep myself entertained-

I look around, trying to figure out where to stand, or just want to do- When suddenly the teacher approaches me.

Music teacher: Hey! You're the new kid! Cody, right?

The larger bearded man says, practically standing over me. He's quite intimidating, but also has a very kind facial expression, and voice!

C: Um, yes! I'm Cody! Nice to meet you!

I shake his hand, that he held out, as I said that.

Music t: Nice to meet you too! I'm gonna have to start class now, so would you wanna introduce yourself, or for me to do it for you?

C: I'd appreciate it, if you could do it-! It's totally fine if no-

Music t: I'll do it! Don't worry about it! Oh! And just call me Henry!

I nod at him, as he makes his way over, to a wall, and a white thingy on the wall! (A/N: White board)

Henry (music): Attention everyone! Class has started, so you all have to quite down!

A/N: I'm putting (music) next to his name/letter, so you can remember what he is! Like he's the music teacher!
But also because, Harold is just about to show up! And we don't want to H's! XP

Also I know, that they usually don't call their teacher's, by their first name, usually, but Henry's a pretty chill and nice teacher-

Everyone quickly stops talking, and turn their full attention to Henry.

H (music): We have a new student joining us today! His name is Cody. He has switched with Duncan, at least for the time being. He'll be here, in each of the music lessons, Duncan used to have. Any questions?

I looked around, and nobody seemed to have any questions. That's good!

H (music): Well than! You all go do what you wanna train today, and I'll look around to see how everyone is doing! And please do ask, if you need any help!

I go up to Henry, and pull a bit, on his shirt, trying to get his attention.

H (music): What's up, little guy?

C: I-

His phone started ringing, and he pulled out his phone, looked surprised and said.

H (music): Gotta take this! I'll be right back, but try and ask someone else in the meantime!

He then rushes out. I turn around, and look around the music room, unsure what to do. He did say to ask someone else... But being completely honest! I'm kinda scared-! Actually REALLY scared-!

While trying to figure out what to do, three guys approach me. I don't even realize it, before one says-

H: Hey! New kid!

The guy waves his hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality. I look at him. He has green lensed glasses, ginger hair, and a bunch of freckles. I look over at the two boys behind him.

I freeze a bit, really nervous and unsure, of what to do- I suddenly feel my body shaking, and realizing, that the first guy, started shaking me

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I freeze a bit, really nervous and unsure, of what to do- I suddenly feel my body shaking, and realizing, that the first guy, started shaking me.

H: HELLO?? You gonna answer me or no??

C: Sorry! What was the question, or what did you need...?

H: Nothing! Don't worry! Just wanted to say hi! You seemed to be pretty alone, and confused, so we wanted to invite you to hang with us! We'll help you out!

He looks back at the others, and they nod, agreeing with him.

C: Oh! Um- Thanks-!

I smile nervously.

H: My name's Harold! He's Trent. And he's Justin.

Harold turns to point to them, as he introduces them.

C: Nice to meet you! I'm Cody!

H: Yep yep! Soooo- My guy! Got any idea why they switched you, a new student, with Duncan, out of everyone??

C: Oh! Yeah I do! They said that seating the guy, with Noah, would keep him in check, and could possibly help him! With keeping his attention on the work, doing the work, etc.! Me and Noah have classes together, and sit by each other, which is why me!

H: Noah... Hmmm...

T: Oh yeah! That smart kid! He always raises his hand, and answers questions, right??

H: Oh, yes! Him! Right-?

C: Yeah! Definitely him!

I say, as I chuckle a bit.

J: So- You and Noah are good friends, or just sit next to each other?

C: Well-

Should I say that we're dating?? Maybe that's a little early- I just met them, and I don't know, if Noah would be okay, with me telling them- I'll just not specifically say that we are dating, but I won't lie either!

C: We're close! And we sit next to each other in class, of course-!

H: Nice!

T: Yeah! Sounds nice to sit next to someone, that you are close with!

They smile at me, and I smile back.

H: SOOOO~ What do you play??

I tilt my head, looking confused at him. There isn't a tv here, like at Owen's house, so what's does he mean by play??

H: By that, I'm guessing you don't play any instruments-

J: What about we just show him around, and explain the different stuff? He'll figure out, what he likes, and or wants to do, or at least try, at some point.

T: Yeah! And like Henry said! He'll be here every music class Duncan had! So we'll see him again Wednesday!

H: Oh yeah! Well let us show you around, and tell you about the different things than!

Harold hangs his arm over my shoulder, showing me around, and explaining  what the different stuff are, what they do, and how you use them! He sure knows a lot about music, and instruments! It's really cool! The other two, mostly just walk behind ...

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Harold hangs his arm over my shoulder, showing me around, and explaining  what the different stuff are, what they do, and how you use them! He sure knows a lot about music, and instruments! It's really cool! The other two, mostly just walk behind us, talking to each other, but they bud in and give more details, at times, as well! They also all go into the instruments, that they specifically use, like or feel that they are good at!

The rest of class goes by really normal! For how music class seems to go, at least- I try all sorts of different things, and the guys help me a lot, with how to play it, and such! It's pretty fun, but most of the instruments are WAY too difficult, for me- But the others are super good at every instrument! And also explaining how to play and use them, and giving me time, to understand the instructions!

[Words: 1120]

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