Chapter 16

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[Noah's POV]

I'm awoken by loud knocking, on the bedroom door.

N: What?

I try to shout, but I yawn a bit, stretching my arms out.


Of course it's Izzy-

O: Breakfast is almost ready!

N: Coming!

I get up and turn to look at Cody, somehow he's still asleep, so I just tuck him comfortably, in the blanket, and go to the door. I open the door slightly, making sure that the others have left, and step out, closing the door behind me, so nobody can see Cody, who has transformed back, in his sleep.

I go into the kitchen, to sit down for breakfast with the others. Owen's parents has gotten home, so they're making breakfast for us.

O's Mom: Hey Noah! How did you sleep?

Owen's mom asks, while smiling at me.

N: Good! I slept well.

She smiles, and turns around, to finish the breakfast.

G: Is Cody not coming out?

N: He's still asleep, I'll take the food to him!

O's Mom: that's very nice you of you Noah!

N: Thanks.

Owen's parents finish making breakfast, and serves us all our food.

N: I'll go give Cody his.

Everyone nods at me, as I get up, take Cody's plate, and head to the room, that he's still sleeping in. When I get to the door, I knock, and open the door up.

N: Morning Cody.

Cody wakes up, stretching out, then siting up, and rubbing his eyes.

N: I brought you your breakfast! You looked pretty tired, so I just let you sleep.

Cody gets a huge smile on his face, seeing the pancakes, that Owen's parents has made, for him.

C: Thanks!

N: You should thank Owen's parents, not me.

I let out a little chuckle, as I sit down, at the end of the bed.

C: They made this??

He says, with pancake in his mouth- He's eating like he hasn't eaten in months- Of course he has! He just seems to really like the pancakes-

N: Woah! Chew it properly! We don't want you choking on the pancakes!

I chuckle again, and he laughs a bit too, swallowing the food in him mouth.

C: Sorry!

We both smile.

N: I better head back! Don't want my pancakes becoming cold!

I wave to him, and head out, as he waves back, and digs into the food. I'll be sure to tell Owen's parents, that Cody loves the food.

I get back to the kitchen, and everyone smiles, and waves to me. I go sit down, and eat my food, and we all talk casually. Izzy asks Owen's parents how the date went, and they start going off about how they went to the movies, went to an expensive restaurant, and sat and watched the stars, on a bench, on top of a mountain. Sounded really nice, so did everyone else think as well. Would be so amazing to do with Cody...

We all finish our food, and thank Owen's parents. I also thank them on Cody's behalf, and tell them how he seemed to love the food. They were really happy about it, and told us, that we could come back anytime. The others then went and got changed, and started to pack their things. I went back into the room, seeing Cody siting and relaxing, with his plate put to the side. I get the plate, and tell him to get changed, both in a transform back type of way, but also getting his clothes changed, type of way. I put his plate back into the kitchen, in the sink, and go back to the room, to change myself as well, and pack our stuff. We both get changed, while turned away from each other, get our teeth brushed, and get all our things packed, and together. We pick up our stuff, clean up the bed, and head out into the living room, to find everyone else. When we're finally all in the living room, everyone thanks Owen and his parents, for having us over, and we all head out, going back, to our own houses. Me and Cody of course, go home together, holding hands, and talking. Cody is very excited to talk about everything that happened, and tells me how excited he is about more school days. I'm quite impressed of how excited he is for school-

We finally get to the door, I step up and knock, waiting to be let in.

(N's) Mom: Coming! Ooah-

I hear my mom shout, and quickly be cut off by commotion. Oh no- The door flings open, and I see all my siblings, standing in the door- F*ck-




Ab and Nova then push themselves out, through my other siblings.

A+N (5+6): Did you and your boyfriend, have a nice time?

They nicely ask, with a big smile. I really didn't wanna answer all the questions, they were all really annoying, but Ab and Nova was fine, so I decided I was just gonna ignore the others, and answer Ab and Nova's question. I squat down in front of them, and smile.

N: We had a great time, thank you.

A+N (5+6): Yay!

They throw up their hands, and run back into the house, smiling.


Liy just has a big surprised smile, on her face. I roll my eyes at them, take Cody's hand, and push through them, leading Cody into the kitchen, with me, to find mom.

N: Hey mom- Sorry for forgetting to text you-!

Mom turns, to look at me, putting down the plates, that she was taking out of the dishwasher.

(N's) M: I guessed you were staying over, so I didn't wanna bother you. But don't let it happen again!

I nod, and me and Cody head to my room, with our stuff. It's the weekend, and we just finished a sleepover with some quite energetic people, and before that was a full day of school, so we just relaxed, played some games, ate lunch, I read Cody a book, we talked a BUNCH, went on a walk, around the park, that we first met, while talking, of course, we came down to eat dinner, and my siblings kept trying to pester me, about me and Cody's relationship, but I kept ignoring them, and Cody just laughed, luckily they didn't try to pester him! And after dinner we watched a movie together. It was a pretty normal high school movie, Cody seemed to enjoy it, especially since he got to know more about school, even if high school movies, aren't TOO accurate-

After the movie, it was pretty late, and we decided to go to bed, after changing and brushing our teeth, of course! Cody asked to cuddle, and I accepted happily. But right before we really went to sleep, right when he just gotten in the bed, and we snuggled up to each other, I decided I wanted to clear something up with Cody.

N: We're dating, right...? I mean, I never properly asked you! And-

C: Of course! I mean, you want to, right...?

N: Of course I do, silly!

I laugh and smile at him, he laughs back, and we hug, drifting off to sleep.

[Words: 1247]

"My Lonely Alien" - [Noco] || [Alien Cody AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang