Chapter 31

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(A/N: This whole Thursday school day, goes by like normal, so It's pointless to write it down, bc it'll just be a bunch of time skips- So here's a quick re-cap (or whatever you wanna call it-??) instead!

Quick re-cap of how the day went:
They wake up, get ready, (by that it also includes Cody transforming back, of course!) eat breakfast, get their stuff, leave for school, get through their classes, hangout at lunch and such, and leave school, after it's done!

Now the story will be after they got home, and went to Noah's room!
(And yes, I am kinda running out of random school and day activity idea's- But I'm trying to finish up this fanfic anyway, so-))

[Cody's POV]

Noah and I sit back onto his bed, like usual, and we decide to try to play something new! Noah brings out his phone, and picks out a cool game, at least it sounds cool, from what he explains about it! He gets it ready, and hands the phone over to me. Noah instructs me not to start the game yet though, because he wants to do something first?

He pushes me a bit forwards, so I'm sitting in front of him, on the bed. I'm unsure why, but I just sit waiting, for him to do, what he's trying to do, and hold on to the phone, in the meantime. He adjusts himself, and after "siting correctly", I'm guessing- He pulls me back, wrapping his legs and arm around me, hugging me, and I lean back on him, using him as a sort of pillow. It's really comfortable, and perfect, since Noah gets to instruct me how to play, while siting right behind me, and looking over my shoulder!

 It's really comfortable, and perfect, since Noah gets to instruct me how to play, while siting right behind me, and looking over my shoulder!

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(A/N: I'm literally I love with this drawing- XP)

The game is supposedly called "Minecraft"! It seems really cool! I spawn in, and Noah instructs me how to move around, collect stuff, build stuff and such! When the sky starts turning dark, Noah instructs me to build a "base"-? I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I know it's like a house! At least that's how Noah explained it! He also told me to kill some sheep, when it was still daytime outside earlier, but I didn't wanna hurt them! Nor any of the other animals! They are all so cute!! He luckily decides to let it go, and teaches me how to get food another way! He said that I had to use wool to make a bed though, so that I could skip till morning, but he also explained, that if I got iron, to make a shear, I could get wool off of the sheep, without killing it, so I decided I was gonna do that! He did explain, that that was harder to get- But it's better than killing those innocent sheep's!!

We play for hours, and Noah even takes over a few times, because I got scared, or just really confused- He's good at explaining stuff! But all of it is VERY new to me, so sometimes I do still get confused!

We later get called down for dinner, and turn off the game, to go down and do that, of course! The food was really good, and we all talked about our day's and such!

After dinner, I was about to head up to Noah's room, but then he pulled me aside, and asked-

N: Wanna take a walk through the park? I was just thinking, that it's been a weeks since you came, and maybe going back, and talking a little walk through the park, and sitting down in the park, could be a bit nice... And we'll of course get to talk and such!

I smile widely and excitedly at him, and respond-

C: Of course! I'd love to!

He gives me a large smile back, and we head out the door, and towards the park, whilst holding hands. The air is really nice and fresh, and the sky is beautiful, with a bunch of stars sparkling just as beautifully!

N: Wanna go lay down on a bench, and look up at the stars together?

Noah's looks over to me, tilting his head, and giving me a soft smile.

C: Oooooo, yes!

I excitedly drag him over to a bench, and we crawl on top of it, lay down next to each other, and look up at the stars.

C: They really are beautiful.

N: Definitely. And laying here with you, makes them so much more beautiful.

I giggle, and I hear a little chuckle from Noah as well.

We lay there in silence, not an awkward silence, but a nice comforting silence, for quite a bit, while holding hands, and looking up and admiring the stars, when suddenly a bright light appears, basically from thin air, just a bit to the side of us, so we just barely see it, out of the corner of our eyes. We both shoot up in total shock, by the sudden bright light, and look over to see-

[Words: 853]

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