Chapter 6

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[Noah's POV]

I lead Cody down into the kitchen, and we walk over to the dinner table.

(A/N: I'm just gonna come up with some random names, and siblings!

Oldest sibling is his older sister "Riya", second oldest is his older brother "Jay", than third is Noah, fourth oldest sister "Liy" and the youngest two are Noah's younger twin sisters "Abby" (nickname "Ab) and "Nova")

(N's) Mom: Boys! Come sit down!

Everyone turned to look at us.

(1) R: Since when did Noah get a friend, especially one that he let sleep over??

(A/N: The number is to show which sibling! 1 oldest, 6 youngest! Mostly because Nova starts with "N", as well! No 3 though, bc Noah's one of the main characters! xP)

N: That's non of your business, Riya.

Ab and Nova get up and run over to Cody.

(5) A: I'm Abby, but you can call me Ab!

(6) N: And I'm Nova!

(5+6) A+N: Nice to meet you!

They excitedly yell in sync. Kinda creepy, but Cody seems to be fine with it.

C: I'm Cody! Nice to meet you two!

Cody smiles brightly at them.

(2) J: Woah. How did you get someone like that to be your friend?

Jay teasingly ask me, as he bumps my arm, with his elbow.

(N's) Mom: C'mon now, sit down! You're all gonna be late, if you don't get to eating!

[Cody's POV]

Me and Noah go over and sit down, next to each other. His family is so nice! They all talk and laugh, and I quietly eat my food. I feel a little like I'm interrupting a family moment, or something, but at the same time, they make me feel really welcomed! I laugh a bit at some stuff his siblings say. They talk about how hanging out with their friends went, what they're looking forward too, and etc.! They even make a bit lighthearted fun of Noah. We all finish up, and I go to put my dishes away.

N's Mom: Oh honey, you don't gotta do that! Just leave it there, and get ready! You don't wanna leave Noah waiting!

C: Yes ma'am!

Noah's mom giggle at my response and goes to collect the rest of the plates. I run over to Noah, who's tying his shoes.

N: You ready?

C: Yup! Just gotta get my shoes on!

I get my shoes on, and Noah get's his bag, and hands me my new bag. From what his mom and him explained, I need it for school! We then head outside. Luckily for us, Noah explains that the school isn't too far from here, and we can just walk without worrying, because we got out in good time.

Me and Noah start walking towards the school together. We're basically walking shoulder by shoulder, by how close we are standing. I keep gracing his hand with mine. I at first didn't mean to do it! But after I kinda kept doing it, hoping he would take my hand... I know it's kinda weird! But I really like being close to him... Maybe I can make some sort of an excuse, of why we should hold hands! I mean, he agreed to sleeping in the bed with me, because of me being scared. So perhaps I could make us hold hands, without it being weird...?

[Noah's POV]

Cody really swings his arms as he walks. His hand keep hitting up against mine. I kinda wanna grab it. Not just to stop it, but also because I kinda like holding his hand. But the only times I do it, it's because I gotta drag him somewhere, so I don't know... F*ck it. I grab his hand quickly.

N: Be careful, you're gonna end up hitting something, with your hands swinging like that.

I say teasingly grinning at him. And yes, I did use that as an excuse. But he seemed okay with it! I was nervous he was gonna take that as me being rude, or scolding him. But he smiled and grabbed onto my hand aswell. I start blushing a bit, and turn my head, so it won't be obvious. I hear a little chuckle from Cody. I hope he didn't realize-

(A/N: I totally forgot about the bags- So just imagine they are there xPBUT! There will be more drawing's throughout this fanfic, so hope you'll enjoy that >:3)

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(A/N: I totally forgot about the bags- So just imagine they are there xP
BUT! There will be more drawing's throughout this fanfic, so hope you'll enjoy that >:3)

[Cody's POV]

After some minutes of us waking in silence, not awkward silence, but this nice comfortable silence, like we are just walking and enjoying each other's presence! But any way-! We "finally" get to the school. If I'm being completely honest, I think it was way too fast of a walk! I really wanted to enjoy this nice walk for, at least, a bit longer! But I can't do that! Noah's mom went out of her way, to get me into this school, especially so fast! So I can't disappoint her! Noah leads me into the school.

N: Luckily for us we got here early, so the halls aren't that cramped. But since you're new, we gotta find your locker, take the things you need out, and put the things you don't need in! Though also a since you are new, I should probably be allowed to show you around, in the first few lessons. So no need to pick up any books yet. But we still gotta find your locker first, so you can put down your bag, and so we won't be late searching for it afterwards, when we do need your books.

Noah explains, and I smile and nod at him. He pulls out a note, which contains what the number of my locker is.

N: Oh! Even more lucky. It's the one right next to mine! I just thought the students who had it, never used it.

He says as he rolls his eyes, and laughs. He was always quite cute, when he laughs... I mean he's always cute! But especially when he laughs and or smiles! Noah drags me over to our lockers. He opens his, and throws his bag in, and then opens mine, grabs my bag, and throws it into my locker. He dusts his hands off, and looks over to me.

N: Welp. Let's go find our home room teacher! She's our English teacher, and the first teacher for today.

Noah grabs my hand again, and he leads us to a classroom, it says "English" on a metal plate, on top of the classroom door.

[Noah's POV]

I open the door with my left hand, still holding Cody's with my right.

N: Hello Mrs. Allen!

(A/N: Allen was just the first last name, that came up, when I searched for common Canadian last names-)

Mrs. Allen turns her head towards us, with a smile on her face.

Mrs. A: Noah! Hello! And who's this?

C: Cody! Cody Anderson!

(A/N: I just realized Cody never said his full name to Noah's mom, and you would need his last name for school- So let's just imagine he gave Noah's mom his actual last name, before she called, and such, to get him into the school-!)

[Words: 1206]

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