Chapter 2

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[Cody's POV]

C: I... I don't know...?

I think that annoyed the boy more...

N: What do you mean you don't know?? You looked like a mess... Did you run from someone??

C: No!

N: Than what?

I try to wrap my head around everything. I really have no idea what's happening... But I gotta give him a response! I mean he went over to check on me, so he deserves a response!

C: Well... I was walking around... And then I found a weird shine! And then I was here...?

He looked confused, and kinda annoyed, probably because that was really vague... But I really don't know much more! Then his face turned from confusion and annoyance, to pure shock and concern??

C: Are you o-


He said grabbing onto my upper arms. I went from concern to confusion... What's a car...? I thought he was mad, but now he looks very... Concerned??

C: What's that-?

[Noah's POV]

I thought he might have been like, I don't know, a cosplayer?? But he seems far to stupid for that...
At least he doesn't seem injured... But could he actually be non-human...? You know what, at this point, I won't even doubt it. I mean, it's either that, or he hit his head very badly-

N: Are you not a human?

I was originally gonna be a little less straightforward about it, but f*ck it. I just answers to be honest.

The boy, or Cody, I guess, looked not as shocked, as I would have guessed, he just looked confused...?

C: Human... Oh! I think I've heard that word before! It's another type of species and or creature! Right??

He said it very excitedly, like he was very proud of himself, it was quite cute actually. But that's not important!

N: I mean I guess-? But that's not what I wanted to know! Are you not a human or not?

I stated, trying to get him back on track.

C: Oh of course not! I'm an alien, just like you!

I think this boy might have a few screws loose, possibly from whatever happened- But anyway, I gotta figure out what's happening, and what to do, bc I can't leave him here- He'll get himself killed... Or kidnapped to be tested on... Or- Never mind, I'm getting off track.

N: I'm a human though.

His eyes widen, in surprise, though not fear or anything, which is good.

C: But... How are you alive...?

Huh? What does he possibly mean by that?? Does his species think we got wiped out, or something??

N: I'm sorry what??

C: I mean like, we're in space...? On my Home world...?

N: No we aren't...

The boy, Cody, gosh I don't know- Should I call him that...? I mean we aren't friends... Never mind. HE look around, taking in everything, the buildings, trees, trash, I guess-? And then he looks back at me.

C: We aren't on Home world...?

N: I'm not sure what that is, but we are on earth, in Canada. At the park close to my house, but that's unimportant.

C: How did I get here...?

N: How should I know?? I'm really trying to understand the situation as-well...
N: What was the "shine" you saw...?

C: I... Wait. What if it was a portal...?? And that's why I'm here!

Cody started to look more happy, for, what I would guess, is possibly figuring more out, but he also looked pretty scared. The thought of being in a whole new place, without anyone you know... I feel kinda bad for him...

N: Look kid, it's really late, and you seem to have nowhere to go... So either you come home with me, or you can stay here... Alone...

I feel kinda bad saying that, but I'm really not the best at being nice- And I don't wanna force him... Though I guess this could kinda count as "forcing"... Maybe I should-

[Words 671]

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