Chapter 26

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[Cody's POV]

I didn't really think of that... And obviously didn't know, that Noah felt that way! I wanna tell him whatever he wants to know! Just don't know where to start...

C: I'm fine talking about it! Just ask away, and I'll answer anything!

His eyes widen.

N: You sure??

I nod at him, flashing a little smile.

N: Please tell me if I'm asking too much, or something too personal, or uncomfortable or anything!

C: Of course!

Noah let's out a breath of air, and scoots back, siting his back up against the wall, and I do the same.

N: Can I start by asking how you found the portal...?

C: Of course! I mean- I'm not 100% sure how I did, or what really fully happened- But I'll explain it to the best of my ability! Hmmm...

I look up, leaning my head back, on the wall, trying to piece together my memory, so it's as clear as possible. Noah just sits and patiently waits, looking over at me.

C: Well it was a normal day. I had gotten pretty bored, after siting in my room, basically doing nothing, since I got home, from school, so I decided to sneak out, and take a walk around the area. I was originally not gonna go anywhere new, but I ended up kinda walking of the path-

I lay my head a bit more to the side, chuckling a bit.

C: I'm not allowed, nor is ANYONE allowed to leave the city, nor the paths. But I felt something leading me away from the path... Either way! I found a weird light, coming from behind some large rocks, and I went to see what it was, when I was suddenly transported to the park! I'm guessing what I saw, was a portal or the portal, and it teleported me there. But being completely honest, it could have been anything- I'm not sure what everyone was so afraid of, that could be outside the path and city, but maybe it has something to do, with whatever brought me here...!

I lay my body more to the side, leaning up against Noah's body, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He lifts his hand, and starts to stroke my hair. It's quite soothing.

N: It really does sound unbelievable, but I have seen you as "an alien", so I can't really say anything- Who knows...

He laughs, and I start laughing too.

N: But, you know, you are a pretty cute alien.

He turns his head, and gives me a little kiss, on my forehead. I giggle and roll down onto his lap, with my head. He sits up, looking down at me, while still playing with my hair, and we smile and laugh together.

N: Wanna tell me more about your Home World than?

C: Ooo, yes!

I start explaining, and kinda complaining, about how school works, and how everyone acts, back on Home World.

C: Everything's so more colorful and interesting, and everyone's so much more welcoming and nice here! You wouldn't wanna live on Home World! It's so grey and boring!

I say, probably sounding quite annoyed and complainy. But I definitely was complaining, so fair enough-

N: It does sound boring and annoying.

C: Exactly! I really can't understand how nobody else see's that!

N: Well maybe someone does!

C: Not on Home World! Everyone's just like that...

N: You wouldn't know unless you actually talked with others!

C: You don't get it... Nobody wants to talk to me anyway...! Even if I tried...

Noah flicks my nose, surprising me.

C: What was that for??

N: Don't you dare say that, about my boyfriend! He's so amazing, sweet and fun!

I start laughing, and so does Noah. He's so good at cheering me up. I don't know what I would do, if I hadn't come here, and met him-

N: Could you also tell me a bit, about your parents, or is that a bit too much...?

Noah asks cautiously.

C: It's fine...!

C: I don't really know what to say about them though... They are pretty okay...? Not that affectionate, and always super busy working... But not bad or anything! They kinda forget my birthday, and other events, but it's because they have a lot of work...! I just wish they wouldn't work so much! I know they are doing it for us, for me... But I just wish they would spend some time with me too...! Not just spend money on me... And even with all the money they make, to "keep us happy", and to be "doing well", they can't even be bothered to figure out what I want! They always get me stuff that I've never shown any interest in! It's not like I really tell them anyway... But it's because they never listen! Ugh!

I open my eyes again, after my little rambling, and look up to see Noah, with such a sorry looking face, my heart feels like it shattered, in an instant...

N: I'm... So sorry... That they treated you like that...

C: No! D-Don't be sorry! It's not your fault!

I reach my arms out, and pull Noah in for a hug.

He strongly hugs me back, pulling me fully up on my knees. I feel everything else melting away, as Noah holds me close, hugging me. I burry my head into his chest, as we just embrace each other. All our problems fading away...

[Words: 920]

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