13. thinking of goodbye

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atlantis | stranger things
13   thinking of goodbye


jack was on his way to family video because steve and robin wanted to work there, apparently the two adjusted to each other. one problem though, steve hasn't confessed, causing them to have awkwardness when together.

cameron is on lockdown since max nor steve will let her out, she's been spending her time with nick by teaching him more tricks. the dog has growth a lot in three months.

max was grieving her step-brother ever since the incident, cameron offered to help but she, being the 'caring' girlfriend, declined.

sophie and henry were being more cautious about going out to specific places, henry especially. he had to practise to become more approachable since high school has started.

everything has shifted in the air due to the mall fire. it was very tense now, everyone took every step painfully slow.

cameron suggested having a christmas in mike's basement like old times to move on but no one moves on from something like this. jonathan clearly has, the harrington girl almost applauded.

three months has passed, the byers and eleven are moving to sunny california while the party is stuck in boring old hawkins. ms. byers wanted to have a fresh start, will deserved it.

joyce took el in because there wasn't anyone left for the hopper child, everyone in hawkins mourned the loss of their beloved chief even the rich.

cameron walked nick around town as she approached the byers' house, she missed the old home. it was rusty yet cozy like any home should be.

joyce made more than a home for her, it became a whole community in that damned house.

cameron went to the first place she thought of, castle byers. will's monument of secrecy and fun! she liked to call it.

the only reason why she's out was because steve let her, max doesn't know yet. nick barked at the broken wood when they found it. "well, shit. he got angry and threw himself then died!"

nick whimpered at the last word. "sorry, buddy. your paws are getting dirty from this mud, sorry about that too. we'll get you cleaned later." she stared down at her beaten down vans. "mine too,"

henry appeared at her side. "hello there, amicus meus."

cameron looked down at him. "hello, insanus homo."

henry chuckled. "i love you too," he kneeled down to take nick of the ground. "why couldn't you name him a weird name?"

cameron shrugged. "i don't know. i was thought of naming him, argentous."

"isn't that relating to silver in some way in chemistry?" cameron shrugged. "thought of it on the spot, didn't think of it as an actual word."

henry chuckled. "of course you did," he gestured that they should go to the others. they went through the back door, memories flooding in.


cameron : "you really are more beautiful up close,"

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